Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Working Cows!

My brother and Mark have 200+ cows with calves and were needing help working them.  Matt went out early and the kids and I came later.  It was a chilly and wet day!

We are cowboy ready!

Lily's selfies

When we got there, they were finishing up some of the cows at the first lot.  I helped a little and the kids watched.  Next, we drove to Bolin's to do the rest of the calves and cows.  Boy oh boy!

Maguire and his friend would get some calves, Virgie would fence them up, John would send one to Mav, then Mav to me, and then I would send it up to Matt.  That sounds pretty easy, but some of these calves weighed more than me and were kicking and pooping and trying to turn around.  I got stepped on, peed on, and kicked.  Fun day of work!

Then Dad, Mark, Warren, and the vet would give shots, tags, spray, and cut the bull calves.

I think Mav was just then getting stepped on.

Meanwhile the kids are in the pickup with Karrie.  They are helping get the tags for each calf.

When the Ferzelys got there, Lily and Hudson went with Grandma and the girls to help get dinner ready.

We then worked all the cows.  Mav, Matt, and I were in charge of getting the cows up to the pen.  Then they would go into the chute.  A lot of running and yelling in sloppy manure/mud.  I was so tired, wet, and filthy at this point.  At one point all the men were yelling at Mav and I to stop.  We went up and one cow got trapped in the chute laying down while the other cows stepped on her.  She was in the most awkward position.  After a lot of pushing and pulling, the men got her up and going the opposite way.  They turned her around and she was okay.  It was scary for a little while.


I got photo bombed.


It has been a long time since us Widdowson girls have helped with cows.  :)

When we were finished.....FINALLY!....we went to Warren's shop for burgers.  Eliza's family had brought Hudson's birthday gifts too.

Hudson really likes Mark. :)

Lily stayed with her cousins and Hudson got to come home with Mommy.  He fell asleep in the car and I couldn't pass up the snuggle time.  I held him for awhile instead of laying him down for the night.  I don't get to do that very often with my 3 year old anymore.

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