Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your families. We are going to my parents' house today and then up to O'Neill tomorrow for Christmas day.

I am excited to watch Lily open up her presents this year. Her and Sydney will be fun to watch walk all over the house.

Well, I don't know when I will post again. I am sure I won't post in Florida! ha ha!

God bless,


Monday, December 15, 2008

Prayers for Uncle Jim

Uncle Jim is now at his hotel waiting for more tests tomorrow in Omaha. He had surgery last week to remove prostate cancer. He is still not feeling well and he could use all of our thoughts and prayers. I am very tired of this nasty disease. I pray that Uncle Jim gets good results tomorrow and starts feeling better so he can enjoy the holiday with his family and many many more!!!!

For those of you interested, Lily's one year pictures are done and are on the website. Go to: And you will need to go to Proofing and type in "Elsbury"


Thursday, December 11, 2008

What have we been up to?

Not a lot has happened since I have lost blogged, but I was told by Aunt Gigi that I needed to update. :) I had fun last week putting a ponytail in Lily's hair. Then when I would pick her up from Heather's she had a mohawk. It was cute!

I finally got motivated to put Christmas decorations up and that motivated Matt to rearrange our living room. So, we spent Saturday playing around in the house. We were going to get a new TV, but our cable guy talked us out of it.

Lily wouldn't keep that hat on, but she was walking all around with it. We now have a "toddler" on our hands.

Can you see the creepy guy in the window? Daddy finally put up Christmas lights and Lily loves looking out the window now that we rearranged.

She even has a new hiding spot in the couch. ha ha!

Aww, so sweet!!!

She did not look like this yesterday at Walmart! Lily and I went down the cracker and cookie aisle and she saw the Oreos. Oh my goodness! She was pointing, babbling, and signing "more." I had to tell her no and I kept going. She threw a fit of all fits. I was the mom in Walmart that everybody was staring at and saying to themselves, "Geez lady, get control of your kid." She was arching her back, crying, and swatting. But.................

I did not cave in and get her Oreos! Woo hoo! I am sure the worst has only started. ha ha!

Other news...

The whole Widdowson family is going to the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville, Florida. Yay!!!! I am very excited and nervous to fly with Lily.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Virgie!!!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Gigi!!!!

We hope you have a great birthday, even though it's cold. This is Virgie's last year in her 20's. Geez, how old! ha ha

Do you know who else has a birthday today????? Oasis!!!

This picture was taken 3 years ago when we picked her out. Isn't she a cutie?! She used to be our baby, now she is the big sister. ha ha! I wish we had more time to spend with her, because Lily sure loves her.
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