Thursday, June 8, 2017

Hudson ~Type 1 Diabetes~

This post is hard to put into words, but I will do the best I can.  

In March, Hudson was telling us he was very thirsty.  We even caught him sneaking water in the kitchen and under the faucet in the bathroom.  He had a couple accidents at night so we were trying to limit his water intake.  We were in O'Neill for St. Pat's and Hudson had an accident both nights and didn't wake up.  I was so mad and frustrated with him and poor guy couldn't help it.

I googled "4 year old boy really thirsty and night time accidents."  The top search was THE SYMPTOMS FOR DIABETES IN CHILDREN.  Yikes!  I had my suspicions, but after I kept scrolling it kept saying it over and over and over. .. Diabetes... Diabetes... Diabetes... Diabetes.. Diabetes.  I told Matt and he of course thinks Googling medical issues is bad and most of the time I agree.  (It was not helpful when pregnant, it actually scared me more than I needed to be).  So, I tried not to worry.

On Monday night, we had Hudson's preschool conference.  He did SUPER by the way!  We love Mrs. Anspauch.  We were pretty much done and Matt remembered to ask if he had been thirsty in class.  Mrs. A instantly said yes and that she has had to put a cup of water on his desk so he would keep working.  We had not told her about our issues with thirsty and accidents at home so this was her own observation.  Hmmmm, I started worrying again.

On Tuesday, I talked with Heather about it as well and she confirmed him being thirsty and many bathroom visits.  Well, that finalized my decision of getting him checked out.  I called the doctor and they wanted to make an appointment, but I just asked if they could run a blood and urine test and come to the doctor if we need to.  They were okay with that.  So, on Wednesday, March 22, I left work right after kids were dismissed and took Hudson to give blood and urine.  He told me not to tell ANYONE that he peed in a cup.  ha ha!!!  I am now praying that he just has a UTI or Bladder infection.  

He did so well!!!  The lady was so impressed at how well he sat there.  I too was proud of him so we went to Dairy Queen.  He fell asleep in the drive thru and wouldn't wake up to eat his ice cream.  :(  (Now I know why.)  We picked up Beckett and met Lily at home with her ice cream.  Hudson finally woke up and was at the table eating his ice cream when I get a call.

The lady on the phone told me that they received Hudson's blood sugars and they were very high and we needed to go to the ER.  I told her he just had a fruit snack before he gave blood.  She said that had nothing to do with it as his level was 681 and normal is 60-100.  I asked if I really needed to take him in now and she was very serious and said YES he is very high.

I couldn't hold back my fear.  I instantly started shaking (as I was holding Beckett) and crying.  Lily and Hudson saw me and had many questions.  I told them we need to go (put ice cream in freezer) back to the doctor.  WHY????  I didn't have answers and we were all scared.  I just reassured them that the doctors just wanted to check him over and take care of him.  Mommy wouldn't let anything happen to him.  I loaded 2 scared kids, a baby, and a scared Mommy into the car.  I called Matt and my mom.  Matt left work instantly.

We were admitted pretty quickly and we met with MANY doctors and nurses.  They all kept referring to Type 1 Diabetes.  Matt and I were getting a little frustrated because how could they know our son had this from one little blood test?  Well, his A1C (test on his red blood cells) showed that his Blood Glucose level was in the high 200s for the last 3 months or so.  I was naive and thought we would be going home and be told what to do, but no.  They proceeded to get him into his gown (this was the worst part.  He didn't want it on.  I think he was so unsure of all these strangers and what was going to happen to him.  We had to hold him down.)  Then they put in an IV (ugggg, awful!).  We asked about our Hospital stay and they said a few days.  What?!?  This must be serious and now it was hitting home that my child isn't going to just get over this.........he will LIVE with this.

My parents and sister came during this time and had Lily and Beckett in the waiting room.  Thank goodness, as that little room seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.
Big boy getting ready to be wheeled up to his room.

My sweet boy, we sat and waited in the room to get more information on why he was admitted.  Little did we know that we were going to learn SO MUCH in the next few days.  He was such a good boy.

Aunt Virgie went to our house and packed up some essentials for us as well as his puppy.  :)

This was probably one of the worst nights I have had as a mommy.  They woke him up every hour.  They pricked his fingers and took blood from his arm every other hour.  I didn't sleep much as I tried to comfort him.  His numbers were all over the place.  The doctors said he was very sensitive to the insulin.  They had him on an insulin drip during the night.

I always pray for my children, but this night I prayed for this little boy to be okay and that this illness wouldn't change him.

Getting some exercise!

First finger poke while he was awake.
Not too bad he said.  (First of many!)

We were surprised that they were going to let him eat a pancake and syrup breakfast.  He hadn't eaten since the fruit snacks before giving blood (and the few bites of ice cream) the day before around 3:30.  So, he was pretty hungry.

We were all tired, emotional, and scared this next morning.  God is good and my boy is going to be okay.  :)

Daddy did the poking.  

Checked his BG with our home machine.

Hudson started getting balloons and gifts from our wonderful family and friends.  He said more than once, "It's like my birthday!"

I think it was good to have Lily and Beckett come to the hospital.  He was a different boy when they showed up.  They have a bond that no one can compete with.

Aunt Gigi helped out a lot with the kids.  My parents brought lunch and my mom even did my laundry!!!!!  I am blessed.

Isn't this the cutest?!?

Maguire, Aunt Laurie, and Uncle John came to check on Hudson.


Still smiling!

Heather came!!!  She was so worried about him.  They Diabetes educator gave Heather and my parents a lesson on how to treat Hudson.  It was overwhelming for them, but they will do great!

Baasch's came to visit.

The Leth's came too!

Getting an insulin shot in the tummy, no biggie.

We went on many walks.

Starostka's came! :)

Barnett's came!

He was so happy to have other people to see and play with.  Mommy and Daddy were getting boring I'm sure.  I had to be gone from school a few days and Jadyn is in my class.  I actually missed her birthday. :(  

He got soo many legos!  He wouldn't stop until they were all put together.

Grandma and Grandpa came too!

Hud was being silly and bashful with all the attention he was getting.  (kind of naughty actually)  When Maverick came he ran to him and gave him a huge hug.

Ferzely's came!

Teaching his Aunts about Diabetes.

What a blessed little boy!

He had so many visitors: Grandpa and Grandma Widdowson, Aunt Gigi, Soundy's, Riefs, Baasch's, Jane G., Uncle John, Aunt Laurie, Maverick, Maguire, Derek and Jill Heiss, Heather, Leth's, Dave and Chris S., Barnett's, Michelle and Curt, Grandpa and Grandma Elsbury, Uncle Scott, Aunt Eliza, Delanie, Caden, and Sydney

We have definitely started a new way of living, but we are so thankful to God that our little boy is going to be okay.  Thank you to all of you that had Hudson and our family in your prayers and thoughts.  We are almost 3 months from diagnosis and he is doing very well.  There will be more posts coming on Type 1 :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh reading this post brought tears to my eyes. What a scary moment but you were so strong and got through it with prayers, family, friends and love. Such a strong little boy you have!


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