Saturday, July 23, 2016

Baby bump updates!

I am blogging this 4 days away from my due date.  I have probably said it before, but I would like to go into labor by myself with out being induced.  But......who knows when that will be.  I am not sleeping well because of my carpal tunnel and some nights my pesky left leg.  

I REALLY want to meet this little one.  Matt and I finally picked out the 2 names and I am so excited about them!  Yes, I want to be able to sleep with out being in pain, but I am more excited to hold this sweet baby.

Oh, I do need to tell you I am stressed about my doctor going on vacation from July 27-Aug. 1.  So, I am trying to wrap my head around having a different doctor. :(  More than likely I will be after my due date.  My babies like to stay as long as they can! :)

June 16th  *34 weeks 1 day

June 19th *34 weeks 4 days

June 23  *35 weeks 1 day

July 6th.  *37 weeks

July 13th  *38 weeks
Wow, my mirror is really dirty.  Idk!

July 17th.
Definitely not a round belly.  ha ha!

Every night, I get up because my hands are so swollen and tingly.  I can't wait for this side effect to disappear.  

This baby moves around sooo much still.  Often, my tummy looks very odd shaped.

July 22  *39 weeks and 2 days

The last few days have been in the high 90s and even 100s.  I haven't hung outside too much but I have noticed a lot more swelling in my hands and now my ankles and feet.  Or should I say kankles, ha ha!!!  Baby is still moving around a lot.  At my week 39 appointment I was 2.5 cm and she stripped my membranes as much as she could.  I have another appointment on Monday.  I am crossing my fingers that I have made progress and she will just say, "Abby, you need to go to the hospital because you are in labor!"  It could happen, right?!

I hope my next baby post is with an actual baby!  :)

Nice evening on the River

Last Sunday we took the Jeep and four wheeler to the river with our neighbor Josh.  He took his 3 wheeler.  It was a beautiful evening!  It is nice being a couple miles from the river.  :)

Lily got really good at driving Gpa's 4 wheeler, so she couldn't wait to drive Daddy's.

She was good!  Only got stuck a couple times.

Working on the winch to help pull out the Jeep. 

I wasn't much help.  The babe and I hung out and ate sunflower seeds!  :)  The little hole in the water is where the kids would put the minnows they caught.  :)

Can they pull it out?!

Tug o war!




We finally got out with the jack. :)

I think it's safe to say they had fun that night! :)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Lily and Bullet

Fair is getting closer and closer, so Lily needs to work with Bullet as much as she can.  It worked out well because it had rained and the boys had time to help her lead him.

They are developing a nice little relationship.

It's hard work, but she is doing awesome!!!!  She walked him around many times!

Learning how to set him up for the judge to see.

I think Bullet wanted to play with Hudson.

Setting his feet

It was a successful day with Bullet.  I think Lily feels more confident for Fair now.  Thank you Mav and Guire for helping her and putting your time into Bullet.

VBS for Hudson *2016*

Vacation Bible School was at the Methodist Church from 6:30-8;30 in the evenings this week.  I didn't know about it until 30 minutes prior to it starting on Sunday night.  Lily wasn't able to go because she was at Gpa and Gma's.  I didn't know how Hudson would do with being dropped off for 2 hours with people he does not know.  He knew a few kids but none of them were in his group because they are older.  He didn't cry, but it took some major convincing the first night.  He did well the rest of the week.  
They were raising money for children to get school supplies.  They were asked to bring a different coin per night.  He loved sorting them and putting them in the offering bowl each night.  On Thursday, they were performing their songs they had worked on.  This is the first time he has done anything like this.  I was nervous for him.  He did AWESOME!  He was very animated!  

At one time, he ran over to us because he wanted to show me a blister he has on his foot.  "I just wanted Mommy to see it."  So cute.  Then he went back and joined the group.  Enjoy the cute pics and short videos of 2 of his songs.

We bought the VBS CD so we could keep singing his songs.  He does the actions in the car and can sing almost every word!  :)
No need to be nervous for this little guy.  :)

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