Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ornery boys

Hudson loves to "water" Grandma's flowers, but he just likes to play with the water.  He kept filling a bucket and then dumping it.  Mav just picked him up and started dunking him.  He liked it!

So, they decided to do more...

Camping at Mahoney

Since we enjoyed Mahoney so much last year, we had to go again!  We were able to spend more time relaxing, fishing, and went swimming longer.  :)

He only held the pole for like 2 minutes.  He is not very patient.

I'm the only one that caught a fish.  :)

She actually touched it!

We invited Chris, Tara, and Maggie to eat supper with us.  Since they live in Waverly, it's just a skip and a jump.

What a beautiful sight.

Thanks for coming over Genteles!

Cereal for breakfast.  I caught Hudson trying to catch a drip of milk from Lily's chin.  ha ha!

We then went to the Gretna Outlet Mall.  We got Lily and Hudson's tennis shoes.

Hud and Daddy found this hat.  I never thought I would buy a flat bill.

Enjoying the nice day.

They were able to ride up and down while we packed up.

We loved Mahoney and I'm sure we will be back! :)

The life of a 7 year old!

Lost this tooth while eating an apple at the park. :)

She pulled her other tooth.  She likes when they get soooooo loose.  It drives us bonkers.  She lost this tooth after her school pictures.  ha ha

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Buffalo County Fair

Lily and I met Hudson and Grandpa for a quick stop at the Buffalo County Fair.  Mav and Guire had 3 steers there. :)

Guire with the tamest steer.  He's like a big teddy bear!

Maverick showed Knight and won Grand Champion!  This was his picture in the Kearney Hub.  I am so proud of Maverick and Maguire.  They have worked so hard with these steers and it totally paid off. :)

Platte River fun

The river had been high this summer, so we hadn't been out on the river much with the Jeep.  So, one night we drove the Jeep to the river but just went out on foot to find a sand bar.  We took our fish nets and had a great time catching fish and swimming. :)

We caught A LOT of minnows.  To be honest, I loved catching minnows. :)

Finally dumping them.

We brought snacks too!

I love that it wasn't too deep.  We could let the kids roam most of the time.

These are my people! :)
Love our time together.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Camp Moses Merrill

The time has come for my little girl to attend the church camp I attended when I was little.  It is Camp Moses Merrill in Linwood, NE.  She is old enough for the Primary camp and an adult has to stay with you.  We drove almost 2 hours out on a Friday evening to meet Eliza and Sydney there.  We gathered on the patio and then did some trust activities in the trees.

Lily doing the flat ladder.  They asked if an adult wanted to and Lily volunteered me.  Nice. :)


This one was one of their favorites.

Lily and I did good.

Eliza was funny to watch.  She kept wiggling and we were all giggling with her.

Lily and Hannah, our cabin mate.

Sydney and Sophy.

Lily volunteered to do the trust fall FIRST!

Woo Hoo

Then Syd

Eliza was determined to do this, so we went back after everyone left.  She did it!

We are going to have so much fun!
After only an hour or so there, Lily said "We are definitely coming back next year!"

Lily had the top bunk and I had the bottom.
That night, Hannah tripped on her ladder and kind of fell down.  So, all night when I heard Lily moving I thought she was falling down.  Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep.  Lily loved the top bunk.

The next morning, we met for breakfast at Weaver Hall.  It was good.  We had a little time before we gathered for Worship and then a scavenger hunt.

They were performing Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.

We had a long list for our scavenger hunt.  We had 1 hour to find as much as we could...on foot.

Our group was back first, so they ran the bell.

Although we were back first, we didn't win. :(  Eliza and Sydney's team won.

We then played a fun game!

I got out right away.

Lily got out.

Then we had a hotdog lunch.

Alex was one of the camp counselors.  She was a lot of fun.

The girls on the hayrack ride to the swimming pool.

When leaving the bathroom I was surprised by this little guy on the soap dispenser.

The fun goes on.....we made it back to our cabin for rest and then the Snack Shack was open.  We got some snacks and then were headed to horseback riding and archery.





Silly girls

That night we went back to the obstacles so the girls could experiment with them.

I love this picture.

Then we went to another building and played other fun games.  I wrote down the rules so I could play them with my first graders.  :)

Lily did well at Ninja.

She won!

We finished there and then got ready for a bonfire and smores.  At the bonfire, one of the counselors gave her testimony.  We sang and prayed and enjoyed smores!

Getting ready for our last night in Cabin 7.

Playing ping pong in Weaver Hall.  It is amazing that this many years later, not much has changed.  It even smells the same. :)

We packed up and cleaned our cabin.  We then headed to the chapel for our last worship time and goodbyes.

Thank you Alex and Bethany

Cabin 7
Courtney and Hannah go to my parents' church and we knew Courtney when we were younger.  It was fun to all be in the same cabin together.

Our fun group.  Everyone got along so well.  The kids were very well behaved.  It was just a fantastic weekend!

Well, pretty sure we are doing this again next year.  God definitely blessed Lily and I there.  We had a great mother/daughter weekend and had some good talks.  I love you Lily!

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