The Doniphan city wide garage sales were the first Saturday in June again. Matt was actually home, so we definitely had some things to get rid of and I appreciated the help! :) Garage sales are A LOT of work!
These are the totes of baby/kid clothes. There were even two garbage bags full too! TOO MUCH!!
I had to take a before pic! This wasn't even all of it. I had many hanging dresses, coats, and sweatshirts too.
I packed up all the kids clothes in 7 totes - no bags - more organized.
I felt like it went really well. Even though I still have lots of clothes left, we did sell A LOT! :)
Lily had a pop/lemonade stand and sold a lot of lemonade. She sure loves doing that. :)
Glad it went well, bummed I couldn't make it!