Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Garage Sale

The Doniphan city wide garage sales were the first Saturday in June again.  Matt was actually home, so we definitely had some things to get rid of and I appreciated the help! :)  Garage sales are A LOT of work!

These are the totes of baby/kid clothes.  There were even two garbage bags full too!  TOO MUCH!!

I had to take a before pic!  This wasn't even all of it.  I had many hanging dresses, coats, and sweatshirts too.

I packed up all the kids clothes in 7 totes - no bags - more organized.
I felt like it went really well.  Even though I still have lots of clothes left, we did sell A LOT!  :)

Lily had a pop/lemonade stand and sold a lot of lemonade.  She sure loves doing that. :)

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