Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby Monroe

I had already met Erin and Zach's baby, Monroe, but Matt and Lily were excited to meet her! We went to their house on Thursday and got to meet their bundle of joy!

Can you tell she loves babies?!?

We are excited to get to know you, Monroe. :)

Early Easter with the Elsburys

Friday evening, the Elsbury's arrived from O'Neill. Lily was so excited to see them, she had been counting down her sleeps. We grilled out and had fun playing with them that evening.

In the morning, I put my breakfast casserole in the oven. My first attempt might I add. :) It was pretty good. Lily wanted to show them her Easter dress. She loves to twirl in it. She talked to Chantele and told her that we wished she was here.

I had boiled 3 dozen eggs for my class and Lily. I knew Lily would enjoy it, but man she re-dyed each egg about 3 times! :)

Aunt Emily giving Lily the scoop on dying eggs.

Lily dying eggs with Grandma and Grandpa.

The Doniphan Easter egg hunt was at 1:30! We were off to the baseball fields!

Rylen and Michala with the Easter bunny.

Lily did not want to get close to the Easter bunny. She managed to fake a smile next to the bunny, thanks to Daddy's help. :)

What fun kids!!! Lily and Rylen are excited to hunt for eggs!

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Look at all those eggs!! There weren't very many kids in the 0-3 group, so they got tons of eggs!

Lily in the sea of eggs. It was fun watching her run passed 10 of them and finally pick one up. I don't know if she had a method or not!

Michala helping Lily up after one of the many times she fell down. She has fallen down so much from when she started walking. She doesn't get hurt much, she just can't keep her balance! :)

Look at all these eggs, Rylen!!!!

Show off! :)

All of Lily's eggs. They were ALL EMPTY!!!! Can you believe it? If they had a number on it, then they would win. Out of all these eggs, she DID get one that had 6th on it. She got a bubble blower, perfect for our little girl!! She was thrilled!

After the Easter Egg hunt, we came back to our house for lunch. Matt had his pork loins on the grill and I had potatoes and beans on the stove (burners off!) ha ha. It was delicious and we love entertaining at our home. Matt's parents stayed a couple more hours and then they took off for home. We enjoyed our weekend with them. Thanks for coming!!!

I wanted to go to school and get work done, but that didn't happen. I worked on the computer and went to see what my family was doing. This is what I found...

What a comfortable nap! No room for mommy though! :)

Matt and Lily even had time to drive and mow the yard!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crazy Nebraska Weather!

This week made me remember what our consierge said in California "We don't have seasons. It is either warm or rainy." I think if I didn't live in NE and experience our drastic changes of weather, I would miss it. But.....I think I could take a vacation from it right now!!! I do enjoy our 4 seasons, but I wish Summer and Fall were a little longer! Last Saturday it got up to 80+ degrees and then yesterday it was SNOWING! My favorite day this week was Thursday. I absolutely love Thunder and Lightning! So, we pretty much had everything in the Heart of NE this week. Gotta love it!

On Saturday, Matt and the neighbor men airrated their lawns. On Sunday, they helped him put together the swing set. Lily was so excited to finally have it home. Mommy is too!! It was beautiful weather outside and the kids could all play!

The Thunder and Lightning storm was welcoming the birth of our friend's baby, Monroe Elizabeth Runcie! Erin and Zach welcomed their baby girl on April 15th just after midnight. A bunch of us from school went up to visit them and hold Monroe, Friday after school. She is so adorable! Congratulations Erin and Zach!

Rylen and Lily enjoying the swing set!

Oasis is ready for it to be warm too!

We just got our patio furniture this week (Thanks to Chris for the delivery from Lincoln). I can see we are going to have a problem with them staying upright!!! We hope to have many visitors this summer enjoying the "nice" not windy weather with us!

Ice stuck to our House in April!!!

Too cold to play! Good thing there wasn't that much snow. The beautiful sun should be able to melt that!! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ha ha, good memories!

Those of you that have kids can appreciate this post. The 3 lucky years that we have been parents, there have been a lot of laughs! She has brought so much joy into our family. I had fun looking back at pictures that we had placed her in funny positions. As she gets older, she puts herself in those positions.

#1 1 week old and in the corner of the couch. Matt loves this one "Where is Lily?"
#2 Lily is a stuffed animal!
#3 Sitting on a chair that is on a shelf at Target
#4 Sleeping on my classroom floor
#5 In a Huge box with no way to get out!
#6 In panties and boots in the middle of a mud puddle
#7 In a carseat in a "Gator" helping pick up pipe
#8 Sitting up in the nook in our living room (her idea!)
#9 Buckled into Daddy's front seat at 8 months!

#1 Wearing Daddy's work shirt (her idea!)
#2 Standing on Target shelf
#3 Bath time in the sink
#4 On the jeep getting the Christmas tree
#5 In Oasis' kennel (her idea!)
#6 On top of Oasis' dog house
#7 Sleeping in a Home Depot cart (we were tired of carrying her!)
#8 Sitting by Ronald McDonald

I am sure we will find many more funny situations to put Lily in! :) I challenge you to look at how often you do that to your children for a funny picture opportunity!!! :) I hope we aren't the only ones!

The Sun is Shining!!

What a beautiful day!!!!

It is so nice to be outside and feel the warmth of the sun. God is great! We have had fun visiting and playing with our neighbors! We can definitely get used to days like these!

I hope all of you have enjoyed the beautiful day! We are off to Husker volleyball tonight! Can't beat it! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cinderella Day 2011

Grandma got tickets to the Cinderella show in Minden. She invited us girls and even made the little girls Princess dresses. Theyare absolutely beautiful. And believe me, they felt like Princesses. Mom said us 'big' girls were not invited unless we dressed up too! So, we were all Princesses!

We were teaching them to hold up their dresses so they didn't step on them. So lady like!

Ready to meet Cinderell!

Me and my beautiful princess!

Priceless! Grandma made their dresses, headbands, necklaces, and dyed the gloves. What a woman! Thanks mom, the girls will always remember it! :)

Having punch and cookies with Cinderella.

The glass slipper doesn't fit you Lily, aw man!

What a fun experience!

Singing "Hey Soul Sister!"

The Minden community put on the Cinderella play. It was really good. We enjoyed it. It got a little long for Lily and Syd . . . .

They finally woke up at intermission!

Thank you Grandma for a fun day!

Shrine Circus

The circus has come to town again!!!

I love the cats!

The Lion is huge!

The puppies are always a kid favorite!

Hanging girls: they were better hanging upside down than dancing on the floor.

This man was good. Great balance!

Lily loves watching the elephant. She even wanted to ride him. We got close to the line and she chickened out! Well, maybe next year!

Hula Hoop Girl

Dancing elephant!

She loved it!

I am so grateful that Matt and I can take Lily to experience things. She has a great memory and we talk about things for days after. Her favorite part was the dancing elephant. I think she enjoys getting popcorn and drinking Root Beer. :) Don't get me wrong, Matt and I enjoy these things too! Its nice being a mommy and daddy, you get to act like a kid again! :)

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