Monday, May 31, 2010

Moving Time!!!!

First of all, SCHOOL IS OUT!!!! We were done at 11:30 on Friday and I was checked out by 4:30. That feels great to have another year done. I really enjoyed these kids. They worked hard this year and I had fun with them. So, ever since school has been out, Matt, Lily and I have been packing our things.

We met with the painter on Saturday morning. He will start painting on Tuesday. I am so excited to see what it looks like. Yay! So, here are some pics so far of the house.

They are moving so fast on the house. Now we just need to move out of ours to live with my parents for a few weeks. Saturday evening, Megan Lowe hosted our 10 year reunion. It was nice to see my classmates again, even if there were only 8 of us. We had fun reminiscing.

Sunday and Today have been big days of packing and loading up the semi-trailer that is parked in front of our house. It is huge! It didn't look like we were making a dent on our house after loads and loads.

Using the bobcat was a great idea!

Lily has been such a good girl. She finds the most random things to play with and will play with them for hours. It is cute to hear her use her imagination.

Isn't it huge?!?! Running!

Right now, I am sitting on the living room floor because all of our furniture is now in the trailer. Brian, Asia, and Adysen came over for about 2 hours to help with the heavy things and Asia watched Lily. That was a lot of help. Thank you Boslaus! This is kind of a bittersweet moment. This house was our first home (other than an apartment) and we brought Lily home from the hospital here. She is napping in her room for the last time. :( We will be staying at my parents' from now until our house is completed. As I look around it doesn't seem like I will be leaving. It was a great home for us, but we are so excited to move to Doniphan. We are closing on our house June 4th. So, my next few days will be cleaning up and packing the loose ends. Our garage is still full of stuff! It seems never ending.

I don't know how much I will be on the computer at my parents to be able to post, so see you later for now!!!!!

OH, Happy Memorial Day!!!!

Lily is peddling!

Lily's legs can finally reach the peddles. What a big girl!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Anniversary Ferzelys!!!

Today is Eliza and Scott's wedding anniversary. Congratulations! I hope you had a great day!

Well, I have 2.5 days left of school and we have 10 days to be moved out of our house. Woo hoo and Yikes!! I am going to miss these kiddos. I just finished the movie I made for each of them. I can cross that off of my list now. I have so much more to do, and I am sure these 10 days will go way too fast.

Our house is getting done really quick. Paint, trim, doors, cupboards, flooring, appliances are just to name of few of the things that are left. Not much! Matt and his Dad worked on the tile this last weekend. It looks awesome. Thank you for coming down to help, Mark! Lily got to stay with them on Thursday and Friday night. She had fun!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Well, yesterday was my birthday! It was a good day. Matt and Lily gave great birthday hugs and off we were to work and daycare. My students were good and excited for my birthday. Two of my students set up a treasure hunt based on a Guided Reading book I had them do and I had my birthday treat at the end of the hunt (Root Beer and Dr. Pepper floats). They were appreciative! Lily and I played on the swingset because it was a beautiful afternoon. Matt came home and had my gift. Him and Lily got me an elliptical. I am so excited to put it together and have it in our house. Ok, so here I have posted it on my blog that means I have to use it!!! Keep me to it, ok!!! Then, my parents came and took us out to eat. Mom and I always like to celebrate our birthdays together. We took them to Doniphan first to see our house. Man oh man! They had so much of the sheet rock done already. Our windows are backordered, so they can't do all of it yet. They even had some of the siding on already! Wow! Then, we went to the Chicken Coop. We had a nice dinner and played some Keno. We weren't doing well until the end and Matt and I both won $42!!! ( Lily picked some of our numbers!)

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. I am blessed to have such great family members and friends.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wow, they are bookin' it on our house!

We were just at our house on Sunday and they had made so much progress! Once the house is all finished and we are living there, I may look book on these pictures and think, why did I take so many??? But, right now, I am so excited that I can't help it! :) So far this process has been fun, but the decisions I have to make are knocking on the door. Colors? Appliances? Carpet? Decorations? Organization? Fun, fun!

View from the middle of kitchen. You are looking at fridge opening, pantry, garage door, and laundry room.

Master bedroom!

Lily's bathtub. Our shower is in also. Lily said "Eww, its yucky."

This is the closet we had added to the plans in the foyer.

Lily being bashful. Living room/kitchen.

Living room/kitchen, vaulted ceiling.

Can you tell we are excited!?!?

The front door and stairs.

Our garage doors are in too!

So, they have all the insulation in and have poured our patio and most of the driveway when we visited there yesterday. Matt has been there the last two days laying cement board in the rooms he is tiling. Isn't it going fast?!? Yikes, Yay! Oh my!!! Back to the packing! Toodles!

Happy Birthday Grandma Nancy!!!!

HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!

We hope you have a wonderful birthday! We love you Grandma!

Matt, Abby, Lily

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ross and Jenna's Wedding

I am way behind on updating. I had some good pics from Ross and Jenna's wedding, so I needed to post them. They got married on April 24th in Fremont. Matt was an usher. Almost all of Matt's friends are married now! Congratulations Ross and Jenna Berg!

Lily was tired and cranky. They had oreo balls and she wanted them. One was just not enough!!

The loves of my life!!!

A family pic with all smiles. :)

Daddy and Lily dancing!

I look silly here, but really I was cutting an awesome rug. :) I am teaching Lily the chicken dance and she did a good tail feather shake! :)

My baby!

Who are these crazy guys?!? Derek and Beau, we miss hanging out with you!

The girls

I have posted other pictures like this at other weddings. Now, we are all wives, not GF or fiances.
Kami, Jill (with baby!), Jenna, Kari, Abby (with Lily) she was sleepy!

Matt and I took shifts carrying our tired little girl!

This picture is great!!! Jenna and Ross were too busy enjoying their wedding dance. Sorry we didn't get you in here! What a bunch!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

My mother's day has been pretty relaxing. We were at Gibbon last night and drove back home this morning. Lily and Matt dropped me off and came back with a red rose, Reese's Peanut Butter cups (they know me well), and a card. Lily picked it all out. The card said Nana on it and Matt crossed it out. She loved that card, so Matt made it work. Ha :) I got to take a nap and Lily brushed my hair and covered me up with blankets. We ate lunch at Qdoba and then Matt left for Oklahoma. He is going down there until Thursday to look over the job. Lily is sleepy like a beauty next to me on the couch. What more could I ask for?

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there. Especially my mom. I hope you have a wonderful day! I love you!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday to Uncle John!!!!! We hope you had a wonderful day!

Happy Birthday Grandma Jackie!!! We hope you had a great day too!!!

We hope to see you two sometime soon.

Love, Matt, Abby, and Lily

House Progress

Our house looks like a house now!!!! Take a look at the progress.

April 29th

View from the street facing our front door.

Basement. Looking at the two bedrooms.

View from the corner of the kitchen looking at the living room and bedrooms in the back.

Matt is standing in the hallway between the laundry room and pantry looking into the garage.

I don't know what we will do when all the gravel is gone! ha ha!

Lily is climbing into the front door.

Our kitchen

May 5th

View of the front of the house.

View of the back. L to R windows are: Our room, living room, Kitchen sliding door.

Lily found the gravel again!!

Standing at the top of the stairs and looking at the kitchen and living room.

Lily's Room!!! She gets a big window.

So much fun!

We are so excited. It is fun to watch the progress. Now any takers on helping us pack?? :)
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