Sunday, June 12, 2016

We're having a BABY!!!!

Obviously my posts are very behind.  But, I can't really ignore the amazing blessing of number 3!  I would be posting our pregnancy news when the baby is born if I keep it at my rate.  ha ha!!!!

Well, like the other two, we were praying for number 3.  It took us a little while, but I know God has the timing all planned out.  :)

We found out we were pregnant on November 24th!  Yay

It was Amazing!  These things have become an enemy and a blessing.  I think one positive out weights ALL the negatives.  :)

My week 5!

December 4th - Ultrasound  6 weeks 3 days
I was unsure how far along I was because of irregular cycles.  So, they wanted to get a baseline and proper dates.

She said the baby's heart just started beating a few days before we came in.  Isn't life amazing?!

December 11th - 7 weeks 2 days.
I was panicking because of some spotting.  I love that my doctor is on the safe side and ordered another ultrasound.  Baby grew and the heart beat was stronger.  A breath of relief. :)

On December 12th, we had a candy making party at my Aunt Kathy's house.  I gave my family their Christmas cards with this little insert.

Matt and I gave it it my parents with out anyone else around.  They were very happy for us.  Then, I gave it to my sisters and SIL, they couldn't hold back their screams.  :)  But, we hadn't told Lily and Hudson yet, so they needed to tame it down.  ha ha!!!

Week 9

Christmas Eve morning.  The kids had one more bag to open from the Christmas Countdown.  There were four pink and blue letters that spell out BABY.

Lily understood!

They got it spelled and she kept smiling.  Hudson said "No, nu uh"

I was a little emotional and didn't get a good picture of their reaction.  They were truly shocked.

Week 10

New Year's Eve party at our house.  I had to partake with sparkling juice!  :)

We brought this to Heather's when Lily and Hudson both went there the beginning of January when I had a work day.  She knew instantly with out reading the note.  We have been driving to Heather's since January of 2008.  Wow!

Week 12

I really believe I was feeling baby move between week 13 and 14.  I had been a nervous wreck and not wanting to get overly excited about the baby for fear of losing it.  Once I thought I felt it, it was like it was reassuring me that it was okay.

January 27th.  This is how I told the staff that we were expecting baby #3.  I was so glad to finally have that little secret out.  It's hard to hold it in for 14 weeks.

I was still trying to run at this point.  Not very fast, but still attempting it!

I can't remember when I announced it to my kids, but this was the puzzle I had them complete.  Some got it all by themselves and looked up at me with the cutest grin.  Some filled in puppy on the last sentence so that totally gave them the wrong impression.  ha ha!

The sentence at the bottom was supposed to say:
Mrs. Elsbury is going to have a baby.

Week 17

Playing some music for the little one.

Week 19

We brought the kids and Grandma Nancy to our 20 week ultrasound.  It was moving a lot and was pretty much horizontal at that point.  I printed off the pictures to give some to the kids and Grandma.  After seeing baby it made is so real!!!  We can't wait to meet him or her!

March 9th - I posted this picture on Facebook to announce to the world that we were so excited for out little boy or girl!  Don't their faces just say everything?!?

Our baby on display in the kitchen!

Week 20
On vacation in Colorado

Week 22.  I loved laying like this and feeling the little movements.

Week 23

April 4th
They love feeling the baby move.

April 14th
25 weeks and Erin - 34 weeks with twins

Week 25

April 28th
Week 27 and Holly is about 9 weeks behind, so 16 or so weeks.
Baby Elsbury will get to have a friend close to the same age!

Baby and I creating chalk art with Lily.

Week 32

My 20 week ultrasound had shown that my placenta was close to my cervix.  So, the doctor said an ultrasound after 30 weeks was necessary to see if the placenta had moved.  If the placenta is too close or covering the cervix then a c-section is a must.  So, Matt and I and the two kids went in again for another ultrasound.  This kid has now had 4 ultrasounds!  :)

Good news, the placenta has moved, so I can have a natural labor.  But....the baby is in the 92%.  She predicted it weighed 5 lbs. 10 oz already.  Yikes and I have 2 more months!
I have had quite a few ultrasound techs and this one seemed to be in a hurry.  We didn't get good pictures, but we did get to see baby move.  He/She was shy and covered its face with its hand.  The baby was head down which I know I have been feeling that.  This baby is a MOVER!  What a neat feeling!  

These are so hard to tell what they are.  I am disappointed in the pics she gave us. :(

The baby is doing the "Thinker" pose.  ha ha :)

I have not been the greatest at getting weekly pictures, but trust me, I am taking it all in!  We have the babies room underway.  We will be doing grey with accents of pink or blue depending on what our little one is.  This baby is so loved already!  

As of right now, I am 33 weeks and 5 days.  I do not want to wish these summer days away, but I do want these 6 weeks to go fast to meet this sweet child o'mine. :)  


  1. Such a blessing! I can't wait to meet her, I mean baby Elsbury #3! :)

  2. So very happy for you all! Lucky little babe right there! Won't be long now ;)


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