Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Lily's birthday present from Amy!

A few friends came over for the football game. Lily had so much fun playing with Faith!

Erin and Lily bonding!

A little fun at the mall. We didn't know if we wanted to let her go in the car. She wanted to soooo bad. We knew it would be hard to get her out of it, and it was. The life of a 2 year old.


Laugh out Loud

We have a lot of fun playing volleyball on Tuesday nights.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sarah's baby shower!

My friend Sarah had her baby shower this weekend in Waterloo. We were excited to go see her and help her celebrate. A few of us from Grand Island were there to enjoy the festivities. Sarah's friend, Cari, threw the party for her and it was amazing. Her house is beautiful and she is quite the party planner.

Kaycee (preggers), Erin, myself, Sarah (preggers), Shelley, and Asia.

It is so fun seeing your friends pregnant and starting their families. All of our lives are going to be crazy in a few years! These girls are so much fun and I wish we all got together more often. Kaycee and Sarah live in Omaha, but the rest of us try to hang out outside of school as much as we can.

Congratulations Sarah and Grady!


Happy Birthday Lily Jo!!!

Today is her 2nd Birthday!!!

We had a Minnie mouse birthday with our families. She had a wonderful party yesterday! Thank you to all of our family that was able to make it.

The kid table.

Opening gifts. Aunt Gigi got her a Minnie doll.

Lily and Sydney were enjoying playing with all the new toys.

What beautiful coat from Grandma Jackie!

Lily also got a tent and basketball hoop that got set up in the basement. The kids played a lot in the basement and we went outside for a little bit as well. It was kinda chilly.

She left her ears on for almost the whole day.

Uh oh! Landon is behind the wheel.

Let's see how Syd can do.


She loves the Happy Birthday song being sung to her. She was all smiles!

It was the cutest thing watching her attempting to blow out the candles.

Yum, Yum!!!!

Nothing better than cake and ice cream!!!

Sydney was trying to change Lily's diaper. It was pretty humorous watching them. I think this is a sign that they could both be potty trained soon.

Aunt Liza playing Mrs. Potato Head with the girls.

November 16th!!!!! Lily's actual birthday. I woke Lily up singing Happy Birthday. She smiled and wanted down. She went right to the living room and looked at her balloons and her birthday gifts. She later asked Matt, "Where Grandma go?" Isn't that cute? She thought everyone was still here to celebrate with her!

We held back a few gifts for her to open tonight. I can't get over how cute and old she is!

Family picture with the timer!

It isn't a real birthday if you can't blow out candles!!

I love cake two days in a row!

Last hurrah before bedtime! She loves these jammies from Great Grandma Darla!

Awww, Daddy, that tickles!

So, my baby is two!!! Where did the time go?


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween pod gathering

Here is a little fun we have at school. The first grade team threw a Halloween pod gathering to boost up the morale of our primary grades.

We had spooky music, hats, pumpkin contest, treats, and hot apple cider.

Kindergarten team working on their pumpkin.

Our first grade team!

2nd grade team!

Our pumpkin. It won the scariest award.

2nd grade pumpkin won the funny award and the best use of accessories.

Kindergarten pumpkin won the cutest and most creative.

Fun Fun Fun!!!!
Even after the kids leave, we still act like kids. :)

Happy Birthday Matt!!!! (Daddy!)

Happy Birthday Matt! He turned 28 yesterday (Nov. 6th) We LOVE YOU!!!! Love, Lily and Mommy

Matt has been hunting in Broken Bow for the pheasant hunt. He is on a team and the big competition is today. He came home last night to celebrate his birthday with Lily and I. We were patiently waiting for him. He opened gifts then we went out to eat. When we got home, Matt and Lily blew out the candles and we enjoyed the carrot cake I made. I have never made it before, and I would have to say, it was pretty good.

Lily was so tired!! I think this is adorable how she snuggled up to her baby Belle.

So, Matt is back hunting in Broken Bow. Lily and I are holding down the fort here in GI.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween weekend

We had a wonderful Halloween weekend! The weather was beautiful and we were together as a family. What more could we ask for?? :)

Lily still had her costume on when I picked her up on Friday. They had their Halloween party at Daycare! This is Heather and Lily.

Heather made cute cupcakes with green frosting. We could barely make it all the way home with out eating it. So, I gave in and let her scarf it down when we got home!

On Saturday, Matt went hunting with Oasis, while Lily and I relaxed at home. We watched the Husker game and carved pumpkins. Lily was so excited to put on her costume. She even let me use the curling iron on her hair. Our plans were to go to Gma and Gpa's first then come back to GI. So, we knew we should start early.

We had to get a few fall pictures in!

What a cute little rock star!

Trick or Treat!!!! (at Grandma and Grandpa's)

This is an adorable picture between all the crying she did this night. Each time we got candy, she wanted it! Open Mommy, open mommy! Wow, Halloween is hard on an almost 2 year old.

On Sunday, we went to Kearney and then down to the cabin. Matt is getting excited for Deer season, so he needed to go spoil them with apple corn and a salt block. Lily and I enjoy going out there, especially when it is so nice out!

Can you see my two favorite people?!?

Matt is rigging up the corn feeder.

Lily, the lion, is coming to get me.

Putting up the deer cam.

**Sorry, somehow the date got changed on my camera.
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