Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mommy ~ Daughter Day!

Lily had her Kindergarten check up today.  I had planned for it to be a special day.  She looked forward to this day all summer versus scared.  Her appointment was at 10am, so we had the whole day to ourselves (Hudson went to Heathers. :) ).  Before we left home, I told her I had a gift for her.  I am so proud of the big girl she has become and am excited for her to start school.

She has wanted a locket since I started selling them.  When the minis came out, I knew exactly when I would give it to her.  Cross - love for Jesus, Pink dangle - 2nd favorite color, 'L' charm - Lily, ice cream cone - loves ice cream, purple crystal - Favorite color.

She was all smiles!  I caught her staring at it in the car and she HAD to show Heather.

Waiting for her check up at the Doctor's office.  She did great!  Her shots weren't a big problem for her (I was surprised how great she did).  All she said was "ow".  :)

I told her to pick where we were going to eat......

McDonald's it is!

Then we got pedicures.

We shopped a little (for mommy).  Then our movie was at 2.

We saw our first 3D movie!!!!  Despicable Me 2 was a great movie.  Lily was amazed at the things on the screen "almost touching our eyes."  At times, she even swatted at the butterfly or bubbles.  Cute!  I would recommend the movie and definitely 3D! :)  

I absolutely loved this day with Lily!  She is my little sweetheart! :)  The other day I told her I was sad she was going to kindergarten because she isn't my baby anymore.  Her exact words, "Mommy, when I am old I will still be your baby."  What a sweet girl and I am excited to see the young lady she is going to become.

I love you Lily Jo!

Adams County Fair

Instead of the free play night at swimming lessons, we chose to go to the fair.  We ate at Subway (family favorite) and then went to the fair.  Lily was so excited and Hudson was over stimulated at times, I think.

Lily won herself and Hudson a pink and brown bear.

Hudson loves his.  Later in the car, Lily asked "What is wrong with my bear's arm?"  I looked at it and its arms are two different lengths.  We started laughing and that hurt her feelings.  Then we told her it is a special bear.  She was good with that.  That next day, Matt heard her tell our neighbor..."Hey, do you want to see my 'special' bear from the fair??"  ha ha!

I thought this was perfect for Hudson.  He wasn't quite tall enough, but we did it anyway.  After about two times around, he was whining and turning to see us and definitely wanted out.  He made it through the whole ride, but I was nervous.  Next time, we need a ride that he can sit with Lily. :)

Her favorite ride!!!!  My phone doesn't take great pictures, so I didn't get any good ones of her on it.

Woo hoo!

Waiting in line for the ferris wheel!

Goofing around on the ferris wheel!

The view, and it was such a nice evening.

Then we went to see the animals.  Hudson gets a really high pitched voice when talking to animals or babies.  He liked all the animals we saw.

It was a nice night at the fair.  We are excited for the State Fair again. :)

Lily passed!

Lily with her swim teachers, Taylor and Sara.  She had a lot of fun and really learned a lot.  She passed Level 2 and can do Level 3 next summer.  That is in the deep end, so we need to do some practicing!  She has gotten so confident in the water and I can tell she is stronger.  My baby is acting like a big girl.....when did that happen???

Monday, July 22, 2013

Aurora Splash Pad

On Thursday, we had our play date at the Aurora Splash Pad.  I was impressed.  I wish we had one in Doniphan!

Hudson wasn't too sure about the water, so Lily was trying to ease him into it!

He is all smiles here....

Not here!  

Jadyn showing Hudson how to go down the slide.

He was walking and all of a sudden the water shot up and got him!

Not too happy.  He would rather hang out with the Mommy's and Brynlee.

I was talking to my friends and looked to see what Lily was doing.  Oh my!  She did the whole monkey bars.  I was so proud of her and she was so excited she could do it all by herself.  Even at 5 they are still hitting milestones!  I love it.

Jadyn, Hudson, and Grace

A few of the kids at the splash pad.

These play dates are so much fun.  Too bad we only have a couple left.  

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Playdate with Aysha!

Lily and Aysha have been wanting a playdate this summer.  So, one day this week, I switched kids with Heather.  I dropped Hudson off and grabbed Aysha.  :)  We went to Kearney to the Children's Museum.  They are at a good age where I don't need to hover and they still enjoy all of the activities.  I think they could have stayed longer....but I also wanted to make a stop at Target.  I can't be that close to it and not stop....that's just silly!

I loved watching from a distance.  They are so good at pretending.

These two have such a cute bond.  They have known each other since Lily was 7 weeks old.  I hope by taking Lily to Heather's sometimes during the year they will be able to keep their cute friendship.  

Off to Target!

They talked me into the huge 2 kid cart.  Urgh!  They had tons of fun in it, so it was worth it.  I told Lily this is a treat and Mommy isn't going to get this cart every time.  They are such a pain to steer!  

Thank you for a fun afternoon Aysha!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

My masterpiece

I finally painted our bedroom picture.  I am pleased how it turned out.  I enjoy painting!

*ignore red lamp shades

Lily wanted to pretend she was holding it. ha ha

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