My baby is One Month Old. That is crazy. Time goes so fast. He still seems tiny to me, but I know he is getting longer. He is becoming more alert and will follow us with his eyes if we are talking to him. He has given a couple smiles too! He absolutely loves his changing table. He stares at the bright leaves on his tree.
Believe it or not, he is an AWESOME sleeper. The first 2 nights he was up a few times. Once we figured him out and I got him full, he has only gotten up once. He sleeps from around 10:00 to 5:00. We are so lucky! Also, Lily doesn't even hear him and her room is right next to his. ha ha!
Another thing about Hudson, he does NOT like to have dirty pants. So, he needs to be changed ASAP. He also has funny expressions just like his big sister.
We love our baby boy!

June 4, 2012
I am excited to see how much bigger he gets compared to the basket. :)
Cute! He's changing so fast!