My parents, Brad and Nancy, have been married for 40 years on June 18th, 2012. Us kids planned (with Mom and Dad's help) a party for them on June 16th. We had an absolutely beautiful day! Mom lined up family pictures with Jennifer Urbanski (cousin) on Saturday morning. I am sooo excited to see them! Our colors were brown, orange, white, and khaki. We took them in the yard, in front of the house, in front of windmill, by an old tree, in the cornfield, and on a grain bin. I am assuming there will be way too many to pick from. Thank you Jennifer for being patient with us! Hudson screamed for most of them, so we will see! ha ha

Fun before the party!
Hudson got a lot of love!
Isn't that just the cutest face ever?!?!
The happy couple!
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
We had 6 round tables set up, a bouncy house, food and dessert in the house, margarita machine and drinks in the garage . . . it was a great party!
We sat them down in the front for Eliza's speech and our special gift!!
Us kids got them their car from when they were first married. It is a 1969 Chevelle SS. John had asked Uncle Russ to be looking for Mom and Dad's car, and he found it! He also did some work on it and stored it for us. This was the BEST kept secret for almost a year!

Everyone had to check out the car and of course it was taken on a few joy rides!!! The black tire marks on the pavement are proof of that! :)
Marcy and I with our little ones.
The party had to end sometime! Some of us tuckered out before everyone even left.
The party was a success! Thank you to everyone that came. Mom and Dad are very special and 40 years together is awesome!
Mom said it best "The only way it could've been better is if Mullen was here." I couldn't agree more.
That is an awesome gift! Wow!