On December 22nd, I had my ultrasound. I was exactly 21 weeks at the appointment. Matt and Lily were able to come also. We were soooooo excited for this day. Everyone asks "Are you finding out???" No, we did not find out. In fact, we turned away when she was in that area! :) I would like to tell you I have a gut feeling, but I really don't. I don't believe in the heart rate wives tale. All I can say, it has a cute little nose! ;)

What an adorable profile picture. This even made the Christmas card!!! :)
The baby had its hands by the face the whole time. We did get a picture of its little nose and cute lips. He/She was moving its mouth all the time.
I must have worn out the baby, here you can see it yawning! How cute!
This picture shows the baby sucking its thumb. I wish we would have been able to video tape the ultrasound. It was so neat to watch it suck its thumb and to practice breathing.
It is absolutely amazing that we could see all 4 chambers of the heart and hear it beat. The heart rate was 146 bpm.
Big sister loved seeing her brother or sister. We wanted to video tape the ultrasound, but I guess they don't like when people do that.
Shortly after 20 weeks, I have finally been able to feel the baby consistently. Its funny, but the baby kicks hardest for Daddy. Lily still hasn't felt it because she gets so impatient and disappointed that it won't kick for her. At the ultrasound, the technician said the baby was approximately 15 oz. I didn't think anything of that until I looked at my belly book from when I was pregnant with Lily. At 21 weeks 6 days (6 days more than this one), Lily was around 10 oz. So, I might be having a big baby. Those of you that don't remember, Lily was 9 lbs. 1 oz and only 2 days late. Yikes! I hope I deliver in April if this baby really is going to be big. As long as its healthy, I can't complain, right?!? ha ha
My OB always said that if the hands were between the legs most often meant it was a boy & hands by the face meant a girl. Funny how everyone has a theory! Let's hope that baby isn't bigger than Lily!