#1 1 week old and in the corner of the couch. Matt loves this one "Where is Lily?"
#2 Lily is a stuffed animal!
#3 Sitting on a chair that is on a shelf at Target
#4 Sleeping on my classroom floor
#5 In a Huge box with no way to get out!
#6 In panties and boots in the middle of a mud puddle
#7 In a carseat in a "Gator" helping pick up pipe
#8 Sitting up in the nook in our living room (her idea!)
#9 Buckled into Daddy's front seat at 8 months!

#1 Wearing Daddy's work shirt (her idea!)
#2 Standing on Target shelf
#3 Bath time in the sink
#4 On the jeep getting the Christmas tree
#5 In Oasis' kennel (her idea!)
#6 On top of Oasis' dog house
#7 Sleeping in a Home Depot cart (we were tired of carrying her!)
#8 Sitting by Ronald McDonald
I am sure we will find many more funny situations to put Lily in! :) I challenge you to look at how often you do that to your children for a funny picture opportunity!!! :) I hope we aren't the only ones!
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