Every other summer we would have been out on the jeep many times by now. With baby Hudson and the jeep needing worked on, we didn't go out on it until last weekend. It was a fun time. Hudson stayed with Grandma while Matt, Lily, Maguire, and I went to the river. The South channel of the Platte was completely dry, so we drove through it and finally found water in the North channel. The amount of dead fish we saw was so sad. You could tell they were trying to stay in the water as long as they could. Stinky!
Daddy let Lily drive through the water. Loved it!
Maguire helped her drive by running the gas pedal. As they were driving, we hit a deep hole. Maguire gunned it and we got out!!! :)
I was experimenting with pictures!
We stopped a few times so the kids could swim. Maguire was very good at catching minnows. Lily helped by making a hole to put them into as he caught them. We did put 7 minnows in a bottle, but they didn't last long.
We got stuck twice. The sand was sooo soft, it just sucked us in. Luckily Matt knows exactly what to do. :)

We had tons of fun! I have definitely missed riding in the jeep. Next year, Hudson will go with us too! :) I just wish there was enough water to keep going, but I am sure the North channel won't be this full for long. The Jeep Jamboree is in a couple weeks and it might consist of driving on sand instead of water.
Grandma and Hudson hanging out while we went jeeping!
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