On Fourth of July, our family was having a float in the Gibbon parade.
Lily has been wanting to wear her 'July dress' for a long time. So, this morning she was the first one ready! We were told to wear Red, White, and Blue for the float. The Elsbury's looked great!!!!
Lily has been wanting to wear her 'July dress' for a long time. So, this morning she was the first one ready! We were told to wear Red, White, and Blue for the float. The Elsbury's looked great!!!!
Posing for a pic while we waited for everyone else!
The woman behind the show. Everyone (the adults) kind of drug their feet when mom said we were having a family float. But, I think it is safe to say that it ended in a success and we are all glad we did it. Thanks for a great float, mom!!
Decorating Cropa's pick-up!
Mom and Dad!
They had just celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary on June 18th!
They had just celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary on June 18th!
We were float 76, so we had time to sit around and chat.
Hard at work separating the necklaces.
Red, White, and Blue
Do you think we planned it???
Red, White, and Blue
Do you think we planned it???
Grandma and her babes!!!
The ladies,
me, Laurie, Eliza, and Virgie
me, Laurie, Eliza, and Virgie
The men,
Dad, Matt, Scott (didn't follow the dress code), John
Dad, Matt, Scott (didn't follow the dress code), John
Getting all tattooed up!
Grandma and the two turkeys!
Maverick and I
The theme for the Gibbon parade was "Pride in small town America." You would think with these awesome signs, Eliza was an elementary teacher. ha ha! I think she needs to come do some bulletin boards for me!
The theme for the Gibbon parade was "Pride in small town America." You would think with these awesome signs, Eliza was an elementary teacher. ha ha! I think she needs to come do some bulletin boards for me!
My wonderful family!
We had a great time going through the parade. It was amazing how many people were there sitting along the streets. We definitely had to ration out the candy, necklaces, bracelets, and tattoos we were giving out. It was fun to walk along the float and put necklaces around cute little girls! Later, we were RUNNING behind the float. Dad was trying to keep up with the guy in front of him. We'll just say, us girls got a great work out. I did get to see a lot of people I know along the side and gave out a few hugs as well. The kids enjoyed throwing out the candy. Lily would throw it to nobody sometimes and I was behind her picking up the candy. ha ha! Matt, Maverick, and John were in charge of throwing out water bomb balls. They pegged a few of Dad's friends and fired it at them. They were successful at some, but hit innocent bystanders as well. It was great fun!
After the parade, we went to the church for free ice cream cones. That has became a tradition that mom started a few years ago. This year we decided to go to the Shelton parade as well so the kids could get candy. We haven't gone to it in quite a few years, so it was a nice change. It wasn't nearly as long as Gibbon's, but it was nice. The kids had buckets full of candy, just what they needed. :) Man, I think we forgot Lily's at Gma and Gpa's, hmmm, darn! :)
We had a great time going through the parade. It was amazing how many people were there sitting along the streets. We definitely had to ration out the candy, necklaces, bracelets, and tattoos we were giving out. It was fun to walk along the float and put necklaces around cute little girls! Later, we were RUNNING behind the float. Dad was trying to keep up with the guy in front of him. We'll just say, us girls got a great work out. I did get to see a lot of people I know along the side and gave out a few hugs as well. The kids enjoyed throwing out the candy. Lily would throw it to nobody sometimes and I was behind her picking up the candy. ha ha! Matt, Maverick, and John were in charge of throwing out water bomb balls. They pegged a few of Dad's friends and fired it at them. They were successful at some, but hit innocent bystanders as well. It was great fun!
After the parade, we went to the church for free ice cream cones. That has became a tradition that mom started a few years ago. This year we decided to go to the Shelton parade as well so the kids could get candy. We haven't gone to it in quite a few years, so it was a nice change. It wasn't nearly as long as Gibbon's, but it was nice. The kids had buckets full of candy, just what they needed. :) Man, I think we forgot Lily's at Gma and Gpa's, hmmm, darn! :)
Watching the Shelton parade.
I love the look that Lily is giving Grandpa.
Waving, so they will throw them more candy. :)
These two can't keep their hands off one another. They are so cute together!
We attempted a family picture.
We were all tired after the parades, but the kids managed to keep playing!
We were all tired after the parades, but the kids managed to keep playing!

We had a nice steak supper on the grill and then relaxed. Scott and Eliza headed home and we did some fireworks.
I was so proud of Lily this 4th of July. She was not afraid of fireworks, in fact, it was the opposite. She loved them!!!
Matt was making sure they weren't burning each other and relighting them when they go out.
That night we took the Ferzely kids in their van. They were staying with Lily and I a couple days. We stopped and watched the Shelton fireworks out the van windows. They were wonderful. Have I told you that Fourth of July is my favorite holiday??? I had a great holiday this year! I hope all of you had a wonderful 4th! God Bless the USA!!!
Lily is looking like such a big girl in these pictures!