Phew! Spring break is finally here!!!!! I think everyone should have a spring break! Monday morning, Lily and I took our time with breakfast and cartoons. I took her to Heathers for a few hours (the only time she went there this week, sorry Heather!!!). Lily had missed her, she hadn't seen her for a whole week. I did some work at school. We then both had Dentist appointments.
Big girl!!! She is always excited to go!
She has 20 teeth, they look great, and she let them do everything they needed. Lily picked the purple toothbrush and sparkly toothpaste.
Now its my turn!! Urgh!!! Lily sat and watched! I didn't pass with such flying colors like Lily! I will need to go back and get some work done. Yuck!
We did some grocery shopping and came home to make supper. I fit in some workout time and then enjoyed our evening knowing I didn't have to work tomorrow!Now its my turn!! Urgh!!! Lily sat and watched! I didn't pass with such flying colors like Lily! I will need to go back and get some work done. Yuck!
It was snowy out and very foggy!!! Some surrounding schools even closed. Lily and I stayed in! We did some Zumba and I worked on Midland homework (a Literature Review). If you have ever done one of those, they are very time consuming and hard to write. I completely took over the kitchen table. Lily got a decent nap on the couch. I think she was bored with out her friends and me staring at a pile of papers. Daddy brought home supper and I finished my homework.
We hung out at home. That is Lily's favorite part "hanging out!" We went to the school later and got some other things done. It is hard to get things done with her there, but she wants to play with everything. After we were done at the school (did I say done?? I am never done at school, what was I thinking!), we went over to Josh and Holly's to visit Skylar and Morgan. Skylar slept in my arms the whole time!! I just love babies! :) I really hope we get blessed with a baby soon. I am ready to be a family of 4! :) Daddy got home and just came on over to their house too! I love having wonderful neighbors.
Lily and I did our usual breakfast and cartoons in the morning, with some Hip Hop to top it off. We packed for our Omaha trip and took off for GI. First we stopped at the Drs office. I had to give blood to check on my Thyroid. I was diagnosed with a hypothyroid before Christmas. They are trying to figure out what medicine will work for me. Lily sat right next to me and watched her take my blood. Wierd I know, but what do you do with a 3 year old?? My blood was now normal, so I get to continue on the same medicine. Great. We then got some lunch at Subway (Lily's request. She even knows their slogan "Subway, Eat Fresh!) and then went shopping for Mommy at the mall.
Then, it was off to Omaha!!!
Lily and I were the first to arrive at Sarah's. We lined up a get together for all of us: Asia, Shelley, Erin, Kaycee, Sarah, and I, to get together. Because we all have kids now, we just decided it would be easier to order pizza and stay in. This was a great idea!
Lily and Quincy (Sarah's little boy) He is one year old!
Shelley and Grace (7 months). The youngest of the bunch!
Lily and Evan! Kaycee's son (2 years old) Isn't he a cutie!
Sweetie Olivia! (almost one! Kaycee's daughter)
Watching Nemo!
The big kids!!
Awww, Ady and Lily. What cute girls. They are going to be such good buddies.
Wow, what a group!!!
Kaycee, with Olivia and Evan. Erin, with her little girl in her belly! Asia with Adysen. Shelley and Grace (Faith was with Grandpa). Me and Lily. Sarah and Quincy.
This was tons of fun! I am so fortunate to have a wonderful group of friends. It will be so much fun to watch the kids grow up. We miss Sarah and Kaycee in GI, but true friends don't forget each other!
Kaycee, with Olivia and Evan. Erin, with her little girl in her belly! Asia with Adysen. Shelley and Grace (Faith was with Grandpa). Me and Lily. Sarah and Quincy.
This was tons of fun! I am so fortunate to have a wonderful group of friends. It will be so much fun to watch the kids grow up. We miss Sarah and Kaycee in GI, but true friends don't forget each other!
Lily and I got to the Ferzely's around 8:00 or so. The kids were waiting for us! Lily and Sydney stayed up late and played, played, played. They put on matching jammies. Two peas in a pod. We were making plans for our Friday! Can't wait!
Friday ~~~
Friday ~~~
The Omaha Children's Museum!!!
Science class. Lily was so interested. She was blocking the little boy's view!! The lady was teaching about HOT and COLD.
Lily would raise her hand when she asked questions because the other kids were. The science teacher called on her once. ha ha! Lily shrugged her shoulders. I think she might do well in Preschool next year. I always wonder how she will do sitting and listening, and she did pretty well!!!
Floating balls!!
There were balls everywhere!!!
There were balls everywhere!!!
Arm muscles!!! Eliza and I even got on them! Yes, you guessed it, I won!!! ha ha :)
Every so often, the blue light would blink and there would be a horn. The balls would all drop to the floor.
We always talk about our "Favorite part." This was definitely my favorite part of the museum. Look at that expression on Lily's face. I love seeing her so happy!
Painting shamrocks! Lily and Sydney are very artistic. Syd is quick and makes long lines, Lily is slow and paints in one spot over and over. :)
How did Mommy do on the the balloons?? :)

Would you like a hamburger??
Thanks for a fun day Aunt Liza and Syd!
Lily has started her posing with a cheezy grin! I am going to be sad when this spring break is over. Lily have been together almost every minute this week! I love my baby!!!
After the Children's museum, we went to eat at The Upstream. I love that restaurant. The girls were getting tired, but they did well. We then went shopping at Village Pointe, the best outside mall I have been to. Of course we spent most of the time looking at little girl clothes. I got Lily her Easter dress and cute little shoes. I will post pictures later of her dress. I dressed her up in it when we got home to model for Daddy. She loved twirling in it! She did not want to take it off!Back to Friday~ Our tired girls were not wanting to shop anymore and Syd was unhappy that the store didn't have her size in the shoes. Aww man! It had gotten very chilly at this point. Which was disappointing because we were wanting to go play at the park. We went to Skyline to pick up Delanie and Caden from school. They were at an after school program.
We got back to their house and Scott had beat us home. He was fixing burgers. Lily and Sydney played with my hair for about 30 minutes. It was very relaxing and entertaining. When they started eating, I got ready for my fun night with the girls!
I met some of my greatest friends at Olive Garden! Words can not explain how much I enjoyed seeing them and being able to catch up. Beth, Hayley, Shannon, and Cala were my old roommates and wonderful friends that I miss dearly. We are all so grown up now! I am still the only one with a child, but I can see a few coming in the future! :) Beth lives in Lincoln, so she took off after supper. The rest of us went over to Micaela's house.
The ladies!
Again, I have missed these girls so much. It is awesome when we haven't seen each other for awhile, but yet we can just pick up where we left off. I really hope it isn't so long before the next time I see them. Everyone needs great friends like these girls!!!
I get back to Scott and Eliza's and get to jump into bed with my favorite 3 year old! Daddy was having fun in Kearney with his friends. I think every married couple needs that time with their friends. It is healthy for them and their friendships. What a great couple days!!
Again, I have missed these girls so much. It is awesome when we haven't seen each other for awhile, but yet we can just pick up where we left off. I really hope it isn't so long before the next time I see them. Everyone needs great friends like these girls!!!
I get back to Scott and Eliza's and get to jump into bed with my favorite 3 year old! Daddy was having fun in Kearney with his friends. I think every married couple needs that time with their friends. It is healthy for them and their friendships. What a great couple days!!
Saturday ~
Of course, Lily can't sleep in. We were up around 7:00 am again! You would think she would know it was my spring break and she would leave me alone!! ha ha. She whispers, "Mommy, I think its daytime!" We go downstairs and turn on the cartoons to wait for everyone else did get up.
Lily and I left around 10:00. Lily said the cutest thing. She saw a road sign with an arrow point up.
"Mommy, that sign wants me to go up. How do I do that? How can I we go up to the sky?" At this time, I was very confused, but then I saw the sign and couln't help but laugh. I can see how she thought that. I explained it that the arrow means to go around the median. Lily says the cutest things. I should keep a notebook with me and write them down. Of course she is the smartest little girl around too!!! ;)
We were anxious to see Daddy. Daddy was ready for us! We got ready and headed into GI to eat and go to the Horse Races. Yes, we are regulars at the races. We are just waiting for the time we win big. Gma and Gpa were at the races, so we had another reason to go. Lily was excited to see them and of course the popcorn and pop she got were bonuses too! None of us won big, but we did end with $18 winning ticket from Lily's #4 horse coming in 3rd. Thanks Lil!
Of course, Lily can't sleep in. We were up around 7:00 am again! You would think she would know it was my spring break and she would leave me alone!! ha ha. She whispers, "Mommy, I think its daytime!" We go downstairs and turn on the cartoons to wait for everyone else did get up.
Lily and I left around 10:00. Lily said the cutest thing. She saw a road sign with an arrow point up.

"Mommy, that sign wants me to go up. How do I do that? How can I we go up to the sky?" At this time, I was very confused, but then I saw the sign and couln't help but laugh. I can see how she thought that. I explained it that the arrow means to go around the median. Lily says the cutest things. I should keep a notebook with me and write them down. Of course she is the smartest little girl around too!!! ;)
We were anxious to see Daddy. Daddy was ready for us! We got ready and headed into GI to eat and go to the Horse Races. Yes, we are regulars at the races. We are just waiting for the time we win big. Gma and Gpa were at the races, so we had another reason to go. Lily was excited to see them and of course the popcorn and pop she got were bonuses too! None of us won big, but we did end with $18 winning ticket from Lily's #4 horse coming in 3rd. Thanks Lil!
We then ate at Uncle Ed's Steakhouse. Lily and I were reading a sign while we were waiting and she said "uhh, this isn't a house??" ha ha. We had a great meal with mom and dad. Lily and us are so lucky to have them close.
I wonder what Sunday has in store for us!?!?
I wonder what Sunday has in store for us!?!?
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