When we heard from Heather that Jeep Jamboree was this weekend, that was all Matt could think about. Right after work on Friday he started getting the jeep river-ready. He knew it would be a big job, but it was a REALLY big job! He put four new tires on along with other things. He even lined up Makayla to babysit on Saturday. Matt got home around 2:00 am and then worked on it again on Saturday. YES! He got it done and we did get to go to Jeep Jamboree. We knew we weren't going to be there a long time because of a wedding reception, but thats okay. Makayla and a friend came to play with Lily. It is getting harder to leave Lily because we have been together all summer and we are both very attached to one another. Makayla said she stopped crying after a couple minutes ( I texted her about 10 minutes after we left to see. I worry otherwise) Jeep Jamboree is on the Platte River close to Central City. We only knew Heather, so we were unsure of what to do.

We are waiting on the bank before the plunge in. Heather told us to let air out of our tires so we wouldn't get stuck. We already couldn't believe how many jeeps there were.

We saw them, and were thinking "Can we do that?"

So, this is the water right at the edge of the jeep. We got stuck shortly after getting in. The nice man that pulled us out told us we didn't let out nearly enough air.

So, here Matt is letting out air in the middle of the River. Many people stopped to see if we needed help. These Jeep people stick together. :)

Me, actually realizing that this is actually kinda fun!
So, we met up with Heather and many of her friends. They were way up the river. We all got out of our jeeps on a sandbar and talked and checked out the other jeeps. We started back down the river and Heather got a great idea to "Baptize" our Jeep. So we followed all the other jeeps in this deep area by the bank. No problem.

Pretty deep

Officially stuck now. We got water in the engine.

Yeah, we got pulled out!

Heather and her friends.

All of us heading back to Ron's. Matt and I had to leave.

I think we like this Jeepin' stuff.

All the jeeps starting to line up for the group photo.

These people were stuck right by the spot you get in. That stinks.
Well, needless to say, we had fun. Too bad we did it for the first time at the END of the summer. I am sure we will find another time and this time we will take Lily. Do you think she will like it??
We got home and the Ferzely's and Virgie were there. They stayed at our house after the wedding. So, we all got ready and headed to the Liederkranz for Jennifer Stroh's wedding.

Syd and Lily both in their yellow dresses. How adorable.

Playing under the bar.


Delanie and Lily

Matt spinning the girls in the bar chair.

Lily kind of dancing with her first boy. This little boy belongs to Adair, from Shelton.

Delanie and Syd dancing up a storm.

Aunt Liza and Lily gettin' jiggy wit it.

Caden and Lily. I think Yellow was a plan!

The Widdowson sisters

"Come Back!"

Daddy and Lily

Papa and Lily having a good time.

She is zonked out. Grandma loves this job.
The reception was beautiful. There were a lot of Shelton people there that we hadn't seen in awhile. Jen was gorgeous!
Eliza, Virgie, and the kids came to our house to stay the night. The morning would be busy!! We all went out to Mom and Dad's and froze sweet corn. Mav and Guire were there too. Scott stayed in Papillion to try and sell their house. Is anyone wanting to buy a nice home in Papillion??? I know who you could call.
We bagged a lot of corn on Sunday. I was busy boiling it and transferring it to the sink (over and over again), Virgie was the cutter, Eliza was the bagger and silker. Oh I can't forget that we all helped pick it and shuck it (even the kids, Sydney especially). Then, Dad, Matt, Mom, Larry, Judi, and Jan did most of the silking. It is such a long process, but it is well worth it in the winter when you are eating sweet corn. Thank you Dad for planting it again this year.
Lily was very tired and fell asleep in the jeep when we got to the first corner. I don't know how she can sleep in the jeep. Watch the video. We were on Highway 30.
I hope you enjoyed my newest entry. They might be few and far between coming up. I start meetings tomorrow and then my summer is officially over. Kids come on the 19th. I will let you know how it is going. I do have a little summer left this weekend. Matt, Lily, and I are going to Great Wolf Lodge with my whole family for Mullen's birthday. We are excited for that.