Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fun with the Sprinklers!

On Memorial Day, Matt decided to do some yard work. Lily and I weren't much help, but we liked being in the sun with him and playing in the water. When Oasis was a puppy, she ruined a lot of our underground sprinklers. Matt bought some new ones and was able to replace them.

Lily absolutely loved the sprinklers and so did Oasis!

This was when she was still dry.

Matt and Lily doing all the work while mommy just watches and takes pictures. ha ha!



Lily didn't mind holding the worm. She is definitely not like her mommy!


1 comment:

  1. Fun times! Alyssa loves holding worms too, yuck. In fact there is a picture of her on the Lincoln Y website and she is holding a worm at the fishing clinic last summer.

    Hope you are enjoying your time at home!


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