Thursday, December 12, 2013


It seemed weird having Thanksgiving so late this year.  We had a wonderful and relaxing time at my parents'.  Eliza and her family were in Atlanta, so they were not able to come.  Matt, John, and the boys went hunting that morning.  Mom had a wonderful meal!  Later we played the horse racing game.

Silly boy sat with everyone…here he is trying to eat salt….nice.

We were all yelling for our horses, so Hudson chimed in.

Lily brought some of her birthday money to play!  :)

Who will let him play with chips….Mav will.

Lily got her snuggle time in with everyone too!

Hudson absolutely enjoyed playing with his combine and tractors with Grandpa.  Grandma happened to have corn that she had took as a sample to the elevator, so they had fun playing with that.

We ended up staying the night because I was going Black Friday shopping with Virgie and Matt was going to the Husker game with Dad.  I got a lot of my shopping done that morning, woo hoo!!!  The game wasn't so great for Matt but they had fun.  So much fun, that they stayed the night in Lincoln! ha ha.  So, me and the kids chilled another day/night and my parents'.

Playing horse with a yard stick!  ha ha.   

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