My cousin Marcy is due on April 28th!! She lives in Lincoln and she had a baby shower on Sunday. I hadn't seen her baby belly yet, so I was excited to see her. My mom, sister, and Sydney were there also. Lily and Syd always have fun together! 
Marcy had a wonderful turn out. In fact there were 6 of us pregnant. Most of us are due in late April, May, and June. Lots and lots of babies! :) I wanted to make sure Marcy and I got to bump bellies before I left. How cute!
It is going to be so fun to have our kids be this close in age. We don't see each other as often as we would like, but hopefully that will change. I can't believe how much bigger I look than Marcy! Geez.
Marcy and Grandma to be (2nd time).
We can't wait to meet Baby Neeman. My prediction is a baby girl on April 30th weighing 8lbs. 2 oz. So, we will see how accurate I am. Maybe our babies will even have the same birthday! ha ha, that is if my baby wants to come out early or not. If it is anything like Lily, it will be very content and will want to stay in forever.
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