May 14th
Newell had their Field Day. This is my class after the big races in the afternoon.

The first grade teachers thought it would be fun to organize a teacher race along with the kids' races. So this year was the First Annual Teacher Relay. Guess who won!!!!!! Yes, we did!!!
We had shirts and everything. Amy painted a gnome gold for our trophy. We can't wait to see which grade will line it up next year. It was a lot of fun!!!

Amy, Krystal, Megan, Abby
We are a fierce team!!!

"1" is for First Grade! Our kids thought that was pretty neat. They had so much fun cheering for the teachers. When the race was over, all 300+ kids ran out to give their teacher a hug or high five. Hopefully this tradition will continue.
May 16th
Grandma's birthday was also Lily's 18 month birthday! I can't believe my baby is already a year and a half. We were on our way to O'Neill for Tate and Kari's wedding.

Lily in her pretty dress and shades!

Jenna, Jill, Kari, Abby, Cami
I have one of these pictures from Beau's wedding too. We are all the wives and fiance of the boys.
May 17th
My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Grandma and Lily had made a cake for me while we were at the wedding reception. So, on Sunday Lily was pretty excited to help Grandma put the sprinkles on and eat it!

Aunt Emily and Lily in the sunroom.

Lily with Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Mark.
When we got home I opened my gifts from Matt and Lily. They bought me a beautiful watch and purse. Matt does such a good job shopping!
Then, we took the top off the jeep for the first time and took it for a ride. It was windy, but definitely fun. Lily liked it too! I think we will be in it a lot this summer.

Doesn't it look like fun?!?