Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Weekend fun
On Friday I had my 30 week appointment. I actually had lost a pound! Woo hoo! Don't worry the baby was still measuring 2 inches more (32 weeks). So, the V-Day candy I ate didn't have a huge affect. ha ha!!! Grandpa, Mav, and Maguire picked up Lily from daycare. We then met them and Mom at our house and ate some pizza from Giltner. We had a nice relaxing evening.
They got in a few Mario Kart games that night. Of course, I fell asleep on the couch. Maverick was convinced to stay by Uncle Matt. He wanted some help building shelves for the basement.
Our mechanical room will be our new storage room, but we need shelving. Matt, Mav, and Lily went to Menards and got all the supplies. I tease them for being slow, ha ha, but they will be the sturdiest and most level shelves ever!!
He isn't done, but I made him stop so we could go to the Horse Races.
We did terrible at the races. I wasn't even winning my 'place' bets. Lily always wanted us to bet on purple or pink. When we did, believe it or not they won. Too bad we only did 'show.' ha ha
Sunday was dance day! Lily had practice at 12:07 (ha ha) and then her recital at 4:00.
Adysen Boslau danced a cute dance. Great job Ady!
Lily dance do "Momma, I am a big girl now!"
She did a great job. There was even a part that 4 other girls were in another place and Lily was to hold their hand and make a big group circle. She couldn't convince them to join her, so she just left them and joined the big group like she was supposed to. It was cute!
Her group: Tiny Kix, then sat in the bleachers for the remaining dances. It was fun to watch Lil dance with the music and clap for the other groups.
She was singing to the song, ha ha!
A surprise was, we got to see Shelley Eickhoff dance, too!!! :) She is an Islandaire dance team Alumni. She was fun to watch. Great job Shelley! :)
Thanks to Mav, Maguire, Grandma, and Grandpa for coming to watch Lily dance!
Our little dancer was TIRED!!!
My cutie pie!
Lily is such a sweetheart. She is becoming so funny and definitely has a great personality. We are just eating up this time we have with her before we add another baby!
Lily gave Michelle a bath too!
Santa brought Lily the purple bean bag that we will keep downstairs. She was wanting to get comfy playing Mario Kart, so she lugged it upstairs.
Grandma made Lily and Michelle matching jammies. They were watching PBS on the ipad. She is such a good mommy to her babies. She will be an awesome big sister.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Baby Bump pics #4
Wow, I can't believe I am 30 weeks. Baby Elsbury is moving like crazy! It always responds to a little poke from mommy and daddy. Lily has felt her bro/sis move a few times now. I am actually able to get comfortable at night, so sleep hasn't been too bad yet. I DO go to sleep early though. I can't seem to make it through all my favorite shows. I go to my 30 week doctor appointment tomorrow. It is crazy that I am going every 2 weeks now. We are just SOOOO excited to meet this little person.
We finally have the crib set up in the baby's room. There isn't much in there yet, but it is starting to look like a nursery. This mommy can't help but look around in there often and imagine my little baby snuggled up in the crib. When I give Lily her kiss before I go to bed, I imagine the day that I will also be kissing my other baby soon!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Scott and Mav's birthday weekend!
We headed for Lodgepole on Friday afternoon. We hadn't been there in awhile, so we were excited to spend a weekend away from home and with family. Maverick was having his 13th birthday party that weekend and we were going to get together for Scott's 50th also. We were there late Friday night, so we just visited and Lily played with her cousins. Mom, Dad, Matt, and I went to Sydney to stay in a hotel. Matt left early that morning to go coyote hunting with the boys. Later that morning I get this picture on my phone!
Mav got a coyote!!!
Maguire had a basketball game in Ovid. We got to watch the little guy run run run.

His team didn't win, but they did a good job.
We then toured John and Laurie's meat locker. It was very interesting. Lily didn't quite care for the smell, but I think we all learned something. Now, if we could have just snuck out some tasty T-Bones, that would have been great! :)
Later that day, the Ferzelys came and so did the Hedricks. We had a house full of kids and fun!!

Mav opening gifts! I can't believe he is 13!!!
Snapshots from the party. Guire and Caden were in the hot tub a couple times over the weekend. Crazy kids, it was cold out!!!
We were introduced to a fun new 'gambling' game! It is a horse racing game that requires cards, dice, and MONEY! We had so much fun playing it that we ordered our own on Amazon and just got it this week. We might be having horse racing parties soon. Bring your money! :)
I am not sure who started the silly supper idea, but I am pretty certain it was my mom! :) ha ha. Anyway, she made up a menu that had secret names. For example: Mav's Bedroom, basketball, lawn mower, four wheeler, etc. Each of those items was food, drink, or eating utensil. We didn't know which was which. There were 4 courses and they brought us out our meal course by course.
Sydney is trying to eat her lasagna with a knife. Lily did not get any utensils so she is trying to eat it off the plate! ha ha. Scott got his soup and his lasagna with no utensils. He dumped out his soup and scooped up his lasagna with the cup. Grandma Jan (Laurie's grandma) ate her whole lasagna with a tooth pick. You might think this is nuts, but everyone was fun to watch. Leave it to my mom to throw a silly supper party. :)
It was getting late and the mommies told the 3 and 4 year olds to get their jammies on. They must have been conspiring together because they quickly ran into the living room giggling with nothing but panties on. Silly girls! Uncle John tried to get them to do kicks together. Never a dull moment!
That evening we went into the Junkyard to celebrate Scott's 50th. There weren't too many people there, but we sure had fun! He had a few interesting shots.
He even made a new friend, Poopsie.
The next morning we relaxed and the men went hunting again. We also got to see the baby cows. John has many baby cows and Lily just loved them.
We had such a great time with family!
Happy 50th Birthday to Scott on February 14th!!!
(As I am blogging about him, they are in Mexico! Jealous!)
Happy Birthday 13th Birthday to Maverick on February 16th!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I wanted to do a creative Valentine for our families and Pinterest had a cute idea. It seemed pretty easy, but my 4 year old was not understanding the concept. ha ha!
Every time she smiled she tilted her head, shut her eyes, and moved her hand. So, we did many pictures.
She was tired of pictures and was not a 'happy' Valentine.
We finally got a good one!!!!
It turned out really cute. Lily was excited to give them to family.
We had a great Valentine's Day. Matt had 6 beautiful red roses delivered to school (how sweet!). We got Lily a jewelry box with two rings (she is into jewlery!) and a gumball machine. Since Matt has been traveling a lot of work, I got him a nice carry on suit case.
Matt grilled steak that night and we ate a wonderful supper. Matt had 312 and Lily and I drank sparkling grape juice! ha ha! I do miss my occassional glass of wine, but it is well worth it!!! We then watched a movie together.
I hope everyone had a wonderful "Love Day!" That is what Lily calls it. :)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
We are near the finish!
The paint, trim, doors, carpet, and electricity is done!!!
Matt did most of the electrical work, but had Brady come help a couple times.

The bathroom is the next project. We have to put putty on the trim and clean it and then we should be able to move things around. I am sooooo excited to move the crib upstairs and start the baby's room.
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