We got there and shortly after Grandpa Mark got home from work and we all went to Christmas Eve church service. I had never been to Matt's church for Christmas Eve, it was nice. We were some of the many people standing in the back and they told everyone there was room up front. Eventually the priest looked at us and said "Come one, you are holding up Christmas." So needless to say we were embarrassed as we walked up to the front of the church (it was packed) and we got to sit in the 2nd seat. Matt says he has never sat that close. :)
After church we went to Great Grandma Darla's. She was happy to see all of us, Mark, Jackie, Matt, me, Lily, Jessica, Chantele, and Emily. She is an amazing Grandma. She gets a gift for everyone! I don't even know how many grandkids and great-grandkids she has, but she is very generous to do that. Darla went to her Christmas Eve service and we went out to Matt's Uncle John and Aunt Sheryl's house.
I don't think they were expecting us, but we had fun. They have a pretty full bar downstairs, so John had fun mixing us a variety of drinks. When we got home, we still had room for dessert, well at least Lily did!
Aha, I caught her with her mouth full. :)
Her and I made Christmas cookies that morning to bring to O'Neill. We wanted to put icing on them and leave them for Santa Claus.
Her and I made Christmas cookies that morning to bring to O'Neill. We wanted to put icing on them and leave them for Santa Claus.
So, here is Santa's plate. He gets cookies, candy cane, and carrots for his reindeer.
Brotherly love! :) Sorry Chantele

This is such a cute picture of Lily and Aunt Jessica. Lily kept asking about Landon, but he was going to come on Christmas day.
Lily had been up a long time, but we said if she wanted Santa to come, she needed to go to sleep. She fell asleep out in the living room on the couch. In the middle of the night she came into our room and said "I don't want Santa to get me." Poor girl! :)
This is such a cute picture of Lily and Aunt Jessica. Lily kept asking about Landon, but he was going to come on Christmas day.
Lily had been up a long time, but we said if she wanted Santa to come, she needed to go to sleep. She fell asleep out in the living room on the couch. In the middle of the night she came into our room and said "I don't want Santa to get me." Poor girl! :)
The tired walk to see what Santa brought!
You can't really tell by this picture if she cares at all. But she did!
Wow, a princess bike, just what she asked for! Santa even brought a helmet with a bell.
Snuggling with Grandma Christmas morning.
After some waking up.....
After some waking up.....
She started to enjoy Santa's bike. Jelly Bell even got a ride in the bag. Lily was really good at riding it all around Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Christmas day was really relaxing. We were anxiously waiting for Landon to come and to open presents. Jessica left to get him mid morning with Emily and they picked up Grandma Mary also.
Christmas day was really relaxing. We were anxiously waiting for Landon to come and to open presents. Jessica left to get him mid morning with Emily and they picked up Grandma Mary also.
Oasis enjoyed playing with the other dogs. I like this picture through their front door.
The Chantele nail salon.
We brought the paints that Lily got from us and she couldn't wait to use them. What is it with kids and paint?? :)
Matt of course brought his new gun and couldn't wait to sight it in with his Dad. They made a bullseye on cardboard to aim at.
Matt of course brought his new gun and couldn't wait to sight it in with his Dad. They made a bullseye on cardboard to aim at.
What an expression looking out the window.
What a nice gun! Where did ya get it? From your wonderful wife?? (and brother-in-law)
Landon and Grandma Mary arrived!!! Lily and Landon were so happy to see each other. They went downstairs, upstairs, downstairs, upstairs, ran around the whole time. It was finally time to open gifts.
Lily and Landon handed out most of the gifts.
Landon and Grandma Mary arrived!!! Lily and Landon were so happy to see each other. They went downstairs, upstairs, downstairs, upstairs, ran around the whole time. It was finally time to open gifts.
Lily and Landon handed out most of the gifts.
My two loves on Christmas day!!!
Oh my! Could it be??? Yes, it is! Aunt Jessica and Landon got her a new baby. This baby makes sounds too and has a bottle and pacifier. Thank you!!
UPS binoculars. Now she can go hunting with Daddy.
Grandma, Lily, and new baby!
What a natural! :)
One of Matt's gifts was his deer horns mounted.
We were all very spoiled. Thank you for all of our gifts!! Lily and Landon both got scooters from Gma and Gpa. That makes the 3rd thing this Christmas that Lily got that has wheels. She will be rollin' around all summer.
We got Landon a sleeping bag. We had also brought Lily's.
We were all very spoiled. Thank you for all of our gifts!! Lily and Landon both got scooters from Gma and Gpa. That makes the 3rd thing this Christmas that Lily got that has wheels. She will be rollin' around all summer.
We got Landon a sleeping bag. We had also brought Lily's.
Oh, there they are!!!
Getting ready for lunch, but the toys are just too much fun!!!
Getting ready for lunch, but the toys are just too much fun!!!
There is trouble!!
Hmm, what chocolate do I want????
Will Roscoe get one too??
Will Roscoe get one too??
Fun with Grandpa Mark!
The Elsburys
We had a lot of fun on Christmas!
The next morning, we got packed up. Matt really wanted me to try out his gun, so....
We had a lot of fun on Christmas!
The next morning, we got packed up. Matt really wanted me to try out his gun, so....
It wasn't too bad!! I don't know if I shot well, but it didn't hurt. I don't think my stance is right though!
Thanks for a wonderful Christmas Grandpa Mark and Grandma Jackie!!
When we got home, we noticed Santa had come to our house in Doniphan too!!!
Thanks for a wonderful Christmas Grandpa Mark and Grandma Jackie!!
When we got home, we noticed Santa had come to our house in Doniphan too!!!
We then started packing for our California trip. We were going to Omaha that night to stay with Eliza and Scott because we were flying out the next morning. So excited!!!
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