I had Friday off from work, so Lily and I had a relaxing morning. I was savoring this day off, because I won't have anymore this school year. After Lily's nap we met Mom, Laurie, her boys, Eliza, and her kids at Skate Island. I do not remember the last time I have been roller skating! Lily woke up from her nap saying "I go skating mommy!"

Lily's first time on skates. She was nervous at first, but got more comfortable later.

Grandma and the girls.

Aunt Eliza and Aunt Laurie taking a break with Syd and Lily.

The two sweaty boys!! :) Caden and Guire were everywhere! They were very persistent and fell more than I could count! They had a lot of fun.

Woo hoo!!! Elsbury women on wheels!

This is when they were both getting comfortable. :)

Great pic! Sorry it is blurry.

I think they both fell on purpose. Silly girls.

One of the many times.

Aunt Laurie showing off her moves with Syd.

We were the last people there!!!

Great group picture after a great afternoon.
We went to Dairy Queen for treats and went to our house to visit and play. They all decided to go back to Mom and Dad's and they took Lily with them. I still am not used to being with out her. I get this weird feeling that I am missing something. She was so excited to go with them and didn't miss me at all. Matt and I had dinner together and played some Keno. The next morning, Matt stayed at home for an Open House and I went to Gibbon to play with family.

Us mommies and Aunts hid the eggs and then the kids went wild around Grandma and Grandpa new house.

I love this picture. I think all three of them are eating peanut M&Ms from the Easter eggs. :)
We hung out the rest of the day just visiting, singing (practice for Marcy's wedding), and laughing. Eliza and her kids left that afternoon to go home to celebrate Easter with Scott and Dort.
That evening, we were getting antsy to do something. Bowling was the game of our choice for the night! Fun fun!!!

Mav's spare dance.

Lily's first bowling experience!

Go Guire!!!

Look at those two bowling queens!!! :)

Nice form Abby!!

Mav's great form as well!

Lily's getting a bowling lesson from the bowling King. Matt was the winner of the night!

I love this picture too! Uncle John also teaching Lily how to bowl.

Woo hoo! High fives all around!

Dad and I!
Easter Morning

Such an angel! I could stare at her forever!
Once she woke up, she ran out to the living room to see what the Easter bunny left for her. She was excited with everything that was in there. It was cute to hear her gasp and say what it was.

I think the chapstick was her favorite!!! Such a girl!
We were going to Gibbon for breakfast at the church, so we had to set aside the Easter bunny's gifts and get ready.

What a doll! She is such a big girl!

Guire, Gma, and Lily after church sitting at Grandma's piano. Lily wanted to go up there during the service, but I wouldn't let her.
After church we went to the cemetery to visit Mullen. I miss him so much! We then ate lunch at Sportsman's. We got some scary news while we were there. Eliza, Scott, and the kids got in a wreck in Omaha on their way back from church. Their car was totaled, but there were not any major injuries. Eliza sprained her foot (the car hit her door) and Delanie had some bruises. The air bags were rough on Eliza and Scott as well. I can't imagine how scary that had to of been. They definitely had some angels watching over them on this Easter morning!! We love you guys and are so thankful that you are okay.
We came back to mom and dad's and wanted to relax. No TV, so sleeping is the other option. Matt is a good husband to have because he gets me up and about. He was up and ready to fly Lily's kite and play with the boys.

Can you tell that the kite almost hit Lily?? It was funny.

Spring is here!!!
The next activity: shooting guns!!!

Since we were all busy, she decided to just drag her kite around. ha ha

So tired and Aunt Gigi is really good at putting kids to sleep!!

John teaching Mav! He must have been a good teacher because Mav was 3 for 3 on the blue rocks. Great job Maverick! That is skill!

John teaching Maguire! The gun was a little heavy he said.

Cute picture of the Widdowson boys!!!
We had a wonderful Easter!