Happy Birthday Lily Jo!!!
Today is her 2nd Birthday!!!

We had a Minnie mouse birthday with our families. She had a wonderful party yesterday! Thank you to all of our family that was able to make it.

The kid table.

Opening gifts. Aunt Gigi got her a Minnie doll.

Lily and Sydney were enjoying playing with all the new toys.

What beautiful coat from Grandma Jackie!
Lily also got a tent and basketball hoop that got set up in the basement. The kids played a lot in the basement and we went outside for a little bit as well. It was kinda chilly.

She left her ears on for almost the whole day.

Uh oh! Landon is behind the wheel.

Let's see how Syd can do.

She loves the Happy Birthday song being sung to her. She was all smiles!

It was the cutest thing watching her attempting to blow out the candles.

Yum, Yum!!!!

Nothing better than cake and ice cream!!!

Sydney was trying to change Lily's diaper. It was pretty humorous watching them. I think this is a sign that they could both be potty trained soon.

Aunt Liza playing Mrs. Potato Head with the girls.
November 16th!!!!! Lily's actual birthday. I woke Lily up singing Happy Birthday. She smiled and wanted down. She went right to the living room and looked at her balloons and her birthday gifts. She later asked Matt, "Where Grandma go?" Isn't that cute? She thought everyone was still here to celebrate with her!

We held back a few gifts for her to open tonight. I can't get over how cute and old she is!

Family picture with the timer!
It isn't a real birthday if you can't blow out candles!!

I love cake two days in a row!

Last hurrah before bedtime! She loves these jammies from Great Grandma Darla!

Awww, Daddy, that tickles!
So, my baby is two!!! Where did the time go?