Hello, and happy windy and chilly April. I can't believe the weather lately. Last week, my school had a FAC at the races, so Matt and I went to that. We weren't doing too bad with the betting, but the races ended with a tragedy. One of the horses broke his leg and the jockey went flying and so did another jockey. They had to put the horse down and both of the jockeys were taken to the hospital, but are fine now. Grandma Nancy picked up Lily from daycare. Lily didn't quite know about Grandma at the beginning, but they had a great day and night together. Lily even got to ride in the tractor with Grandpa. His new tractor has a seat with a seatbelt and he said that Lily loved it. Maybe she will get to spend more time out there. We picked up Lily in the "old" jeep, and she had just woken up around 9:00. What? She doesn't do that for us. ha ha. We went out to eat with Mom and Dad at Old Chicago in Kearney and then went shopping. Poor Lily didn't have any clothes, so we HAD to get her some. :)
Here are some Lily updates

Lily is starting to talk a lot more now. She tries to imitate most words you ask her to. We have had the privilege of seeing a few fits too. Hmmmm, not sure if I like those. She is definitely becoming her own person. Its fun to watch her figure things out. Well, Easter is around the corner and hopefully we will get to see all our family.
So cute, I love the I Love You on the video. I hope you guys have a great Easter!