Happy Birthday Caden!!!! We hope you had a great 4th birthday. I bet you have had fun playing with your new baseballs and bat.
We love you,
Uncle Matt, Aunt Abby, and Lily Jo
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
With the weather getting so nice, we needed to get Lily some outside toys. I hope Daddy likes our purchase. I also got her a potty chair. She is not ready, but I thought we should have it around just in case.
On Saturday morning we headed up to O'Neill to see Matt's family. Jessica and Landon rode with us. They moved into their house last Saturday, so we were excited to get to stay in their new home. It was beautiful. All they have left is the brick work outside and the yard. Landon and Lily had a wonderful time running around the house. It is all so open.

This is the sun room. The kids love all the windows because they are at just the right height. Grandma and Grandpa also have fish in there. Lily and Landon loved to watch them swim.

Lily is at the age now that she won't go to everyone. She gets very clingy to Daddy and Mommy lately. Lily was finally letting Grandpa hold her, so I had to get a picture. Where ever Papa is, there is always Landon. :)
We made it home on Sunday to have Mommy work at school and then Daddy mowed the lawn. Matt then went to Wyoming this morning for the whole week. Ughhhh! I don't know what Lily and I are going to do. I am able to blog right now because I stayed home with Lily today. She was doing fine, but then two girls at daycare were sick, and I was unsure about Lily anyway. So, Gail called me a sub and I picked her up and we are hanging out together today. She is taking her nap right now.
Lily is now 17 months old!!!! I can't believe it. She is growing up too fast. She says "dank you" (thank you) now. She does a lot of copycat things. Its cute! She is running everywhere. She will yell "Oas" for Oasis whenever we are close to her or just on our street heading home. I could go on and on of what she is doing, but I won't bore you. Have a great week. The weather is supposed to be beautiful!
Matt and I brought an air mattress. Here are Landon and Lily jumping on it.
This is the sun room. The kids love all the windows because they are at just the right height. Grandma and Grandpa also have fish in there. Lily and Landon loved to watch them swim.
Lily is at the age now that she won't go to everyone. She gets very clingy to Daddy and Mommy lately. Lily was finally letting Grandpa hold her, so I had to get a picture. Where ever Papa is, there is always Landon. :)
We made it home on Sunday to have Mommy work at school and then Daddy mowed the lawn. Matt then went to Wyoming this morning for the whole week. Ughhhh! I don't know what Lily and I are going to do. I am able to blog right now because I stayed home with Lily today. She was doing fine, but then two girls at daycare were sick, and I was unsure about Lily anyway. So, Gail called me a sub and I picked her up and we are hanging out together today. She is taking her nap right now.
Lily is now 17 months old!!!! I can't believe it. She is growing up too fast. She says "dank you" (thank you) now. She does a lot of copycat things. Its cute! She is running everywhere. She will yell "Oas" for Oasis whenever we are close to her or just on our street heading home. I could go on and on of what she is doing, but I won't bore you. Have a great week. The weather is supposed to be beautiful!
Goose egg
Lily fell down the stairs at daycare and got her first goose egg on her head. Heather was worried that I wasn't going to bring her back. ha ha! She fell down 8 stairs!!! Yikes. But, she is okay. The funny thing is that when you ask Lily where her Ouchie is, she still holds up her finger that Grandma Nancy had accidentally clipped. Grandma will never live that down. :)
Easter weekend
April 1th~
This day was relaxing and full of fun. We went to Third City Christian church for an Easter egg hunt. Lily hunted with other kids her age up to 3 years old. There was candy everywhere and plastic eggs. The plastic eggs had candy, money, and slips of paper with prizes. Lily was not interested in the eggs at all. She did not want to hold our hand or be close to us at all. She got a lot of candy all by herself. We were going to eat hotdogs there, but Lily was tired and cranky and wanted to eat her candy NOW!!!! Instead of making everyone listen to her tantrum, we hauled her out to the Jeep instead. ha ha! She was asleep before we got home.

Lily- 17 months Mav- 10 Sydney- 19 months Delanie- 5 Maguire- 7 Caden- 4 on April 22nd

This day was relaxing and full of fun. We went to Third City Christian church for an Easter egg hunt. Lily hunted with other kids her age up to 3 years old. There was candy everywhere and plastic eggs. The plastic eggs had candy, money, and slips of paper with prizes. Lily was not interested in the eggs at all. She did not want to hold our hand or be close to us at all. She got a lot of candy all by herself. We were going to eat hotdogs there, but Lily was tired and cranky and wanted to eat her candy NOW!!!! Instead of making everyone listen to her tantrum, we hauled her out to the Jeep instead. ha ha! She was asleep before we got home.
April 11th was Maguire's 7th Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday buddy!!!!
Happy Birthday buddy!!!!
We went to Hastings in the afternoon for Maverick's wrestling meet. He had made it to state. John, Laurie, Eliza, Scott, Virgie, Mom, and all the kids were there. Maverick did a great job, but did not win.
I love this picture of Lily staring into Grandma's eyes.
Caden, Delanie, Sydney, and Lily sitting on Aunt Liza's lap.
Maverick then rode with us to Grandma and Grandpa's house to celebrate Maguire's birthday. It had been awhile since we had all been together. The kids all played together and Guire opened his gifts.
He has Risen.........He has Risen Indeed!!!
We woke up and the Easter bunny had left Lily a pink basket full of goodies. She got new jammies, shoes, building blocks, coloring book, socks, and fruit snacks. Do you know what her favorite was??? Fruit Snacks! We were all getting ready for church when our power went out at 8:30. Awwww man! Lily and Matt looked fine, but I was a different story. :)
The pretty girl in her Easter dress. She walked around with the fruit snacks all morning.
Church was good! Lily even went to children's time with Mav. He likes to hold her. Sydney and Lily are quite entertaining during church. We went to Mom and Dad's for a nice Easter dinner.
Lily- 17 months Mav- 10 Sydney- 19 months Delanie- 5 Maguire- 7 Caden- 4 on April 22nd
Family Picture Easter 2009
After lunch and naps. We finally got to do the Easter egg hunt.
After lunch and naps. We finally got to do the Easter egg hunt.
Counting all their money and eating candy.
What a long day!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Hello, and happy windy and chilly April. I can't believe the weather lately. Last week, my school had a FAC at the races, so Matt and I went to that. We weren't doing too bad with the betting, but the races ended with a tragedy. One of the horses broke his leg and the jockey went flying and so did another jockey. They had to put the horse down and both of the jockeys were taken to the hospital, but are fine now. Grandma Nancy picked up Lily from daycare. Lily didn't quite know about Grandma at the beginning, but they had a great day and night together. Lily even got to ride in the tractor with Grandpa. His new tractor has a seat with a seatbelt and he said that Lily loved it. Maybe she will get to spend more time out there. We picked up Lily in the "old" jeep, and she had just woken up around 9:00. What? She doesn't do that for us. ha ha. We went out to eat with Mom and Dad at Old Chicago in Kearney and then went shopping. Poor Lily didn't have any clothes, so we HAD to get her some. :)
Here are some Lily updates

Lily is starting to talk a lot more now. She tries to imitate most words you ask her to. We have had the privilege of seeing a few fits too. Hmmmm, not sure if I like those. She is definitely becoming her own person. Its fun to watch her figure things out. Well, Easter is around the corner and hopefully we will get to see all our family.
Here are some Lily updates
Lily is starting to talk a lot more now. She tries to imitate most words you ask her to. We have had the privilege of seeing a few fits too. Hmmmm, not sure if I like those. She is definitely becoming her own person. Its fun to watch her figure things out. Well, Easter is around the corner and hopefully we will get to see all our family.
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