Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Beckett ~3 months old!~

Beckett turned 3 months old on October 26th.  (I am finally posting this on Nov. 23rd!)  At least he isn't quite 4 months yet.  ha ha!!!!

He is such a good baby!
*Sleeping all night.  Daddy wakes him up.
*Likes to stand on our laps.  Shakes his legs, but loves it.
*Trying to talk to us more.  
*Loves his tongue and drools quite a bit.
*Cutest little smile
*Loves his baths the sink still
*Growing to the very tippy toes of his jammies.
*Sucks on his fingers.  He would put all of them in if he could. We try to exchange them for the binky.  
*Loves watching his brother and sister.

Doesn't he just make you smile?!

Such a long tongue!!!

This little man has filled our lives with so much LOVE!!!  He is such a joy to our whole family.  This 3 months has been fun Beckett Raymond!

Well, soon you will see his 4 month!  :)

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