It has been awhile since I have written about the Elsbury happenings, so here it goes.
Lily: She is as cute as ever. Lily is strong willed but still easily manipulated. :) Good thing for mommy and daddy. We are attempting potty training with her, but we are not as strict yet and its just hit and miss. Heather is doing it at daycare with her too, so I hope she is starting to get the idea. I can't believe she is talking so much. Lily and I were leaving a store the other day and she said (with out any prompting) "Mommy car.....where are you?" Isn't that so cute?! Bed time is the best when she tells both of us "I love you. Night night." Then, after we lay her down, she yells "Night night Daddy, night night Mommy." It is so hard to believe birthday #2 is just around the corner. Right now I am trying to figure out what she will be for Halloween. I told my 1st graders to think about it and let me know. One told me today that she should be a clown because him and his mom talked about it. Ha ha.
Matt: Matt has been busy with work, the jeep, and getting anxious for the hunting season. We went jeepin not too long ago and had a good time. Matt is definitely hooked. He will go Elk hunting mid-October. Matt has traveled some to other jobs, but we have been lucky to have him home!
Abby: School has now been in session for 21 days. Yes, I know that is exact, but since I teach 1st grade, we are constantly counting. :) My 18 kids are great kiddos. I am having fun with them. It is so interesting how each year can be completely different from another. Two weekends ago, I went to the Husker game with my Dad, Eliza, and Virgie. We had fun! I am loving my new haircut. It has been easy to do, but hard to get used to. Other than school, I am not too interesting.
This weekend we are going to Lincoln for Chris and Tara's wedding. Matt is a groomsman. Then, on Saturday we are going to Omaha for Sydney's 2nd birthday. I am sure we will also watch a little Husker football. Hopefully we will get to relax and get things done around home on Sunday.
Here are some pics to capture some of the September days!

We played with the Ferzely's!

Two peas in a pod

airin' down

I was a little nervous here, so I jumped into the driver's seat. No, I am not the one that drove the jeep into a hole.

We were following another jeep through the channel.

Getting dark.

Lily's car from Gma and Gpa.

Our two girls!

I love feet pictures.

Go Huskers!! Aren't our matching jerseys sweet!

Lily and Adysen enjoying the game! (which is playing behind them, but the crackers are much better)

They are going to be such good friends!

Faith was doing some homework at our house one night! Lily loved to read with them.

Put 'em up!