Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Elsbury's Jeep!
Matt has always wanted a Jeep to go hunting in, mudding in, and to ride around with the top down. He finally found one that he liked and was affordable. It is a 1980 CJ-7. I don't know much about jeeps, but now we have two! We (all 3 of us) went to pick it up yesterday from Doniphan. Lily likes riding in it and so do mommy and daddy. Come on over sometime if you want a ride too. We are looking forward to the nice weather.
First Haircut
Lily has such beautiful hair, but her bangs were always in her eyes. So, after a shopping trip to Wal-mart, we took her to their salon.

She sat so well for the lady. Lily loved looking into the big mirror.
Bye, bye baby, and hello little girl. I can't believe how much just cutting a little bit off her hair can change how old she looks.
How old is Lily???
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Emily!!!
Happy birthday to Emily. It is today, March 22nd. She is the big 14!!! Learners permit here she comes! We hope you have a wonderful day, Aunt Emily!
Love, Matt, Abby, Lily!
Love, Matt, Abby, Lily!
Fun days
Heather gave Lily a green lei for St. Patrick's Day. The pharmacy gave Lily a sucker. She did so well eating it. It was yummy yum. It was a screaming match when Mommy had to take away the stick, because she was starting to eat that too!
Lily making funny faces at the dinner table. This is her doing her muscle face. ha ha!
On Wednesday, Landon spent the evening with us because Jessica had night class. It was so nice out, that we decided to go for a long wagon walk. The kiddos loved it. Matt was out of town and didn't get back into GI until later.
Enjoy the video. I was trying to pull them fast! They had so much fun!
My Spring Break
My spring break was actually two weeks ago and I am finally posting it. On Monday, Lily and I relaxed all day and got some housework done and some Soaps watched. Those days are nice to have once in awhile.
On Tuesday, we hung around the house in the morning and Lily took her first nap at home with out her binky. Lucky for us, she had no problem giving it up and now the binky is gone forever!!!! Our baby is growing up! I then took her to Heather's and I got some work done at school. Matt and I were able to have lunch together also. That never happens!
On Wednesday, I did laundry and packed our bags for our Nebraska trip we were going to take. When Matt got home, we quickly loaded the car and headed for Lodgepole to see John, Laurie, Mav and Guire. We got there around 8:30 there time and the boys were still up anxiously waiting to play with Lily. It was so great to see them. They already had it planned that we were going to go eat with them at school.
On Thursday, Uncle Matt took the boys to school. They were a couple minutes late because they HAD to go coyote hunting. The hunters didn't get anything but they saw a couple. Matt, Lily, and I hung out at the ranch and visited with Laurie and then we were off to school to eat lunch. That was so neat to be able to eat with both of them and all of their friends. Their lunch experience is a lot different from my school because K-4 all ate at the same time and there was still room at the tables. ha ha! I wish we could have eaten with Mullen too.

Polo was really good with Lily. I thought she would jump on her or lick her excessively, but she just followed her. It was cute.

So, we decided to drive around with the other cows to see if we could get closer to some other calves. Polo was following us and then cow after cow started chasing her. It was quite humorous! We were all laughing so hard in the car. Polo did not know what to do. :)

The boys had wrestling practice on Thursday night so we took them. It was fun to see them work so hard. Lily stayed with Uncle John and Aunt Laurie.

The lake by Grand Island was full of snow geese. I thought it was gross and amazing. The state patrol was worried people would stop and cause a wreck so five patrol cars stopped on the side (silly I think). It cause a lot of the birds to fly. It was neat.
We went to Omaha to see family and friends. On Friday night, we dropped Lily off to play with Uncle Scott, Aunt Eliza, and the kids. We went to the Cheesecake Factory to eat with Kaycee and Sarah (girls I taught with, but then moved to Omaha) and Asia, Shelley, and Erin. It was great to see those girls. I miss them both so much. We need to get together more often. Our eating experience at Cheesecake Factory was terrible. Over 3 hours later, we were done. Ughhh. We got a few drinks and said our goodbyes.

Matt and I picked up Lily the next morning. She had tons of fun at the Ferzely house! Sydney and her are so cute together.

Lily was lucky enough to get a foot massage by Caden and Delanie. Can you say, spoiled? ha ha! We then went out to eat at Chipotle. Matt and I love that place and GI doesn't have one. I discovered that Lily loves tomatoes. :) Then we went shopping for nothing in particular, but managed to get Lily a few things.
We went to Gigi's and waited for her to get back. Virgie watched Lily that night, but Lily was not too fun. Virgie said that she fell asleep about 15 minutes after we left. Sorry Gigi. Matt and I went to have supper together then met some other friends at a bar. We saw Hayley, Colby, Micaela, and Sara and her husband. We hadn't seen them forever.

On Tuesday, we hung around the house in the morning and Lily took her first nap at home with out her binky. Lucky for us, she had no problem giving it up and now the binky is gone forever!!!! Our baby is growing up! I then took her to Heather's and I got some work done at school. Matt and I were able to have lunch together also. That never happens!
On Wednesday, I did laundry and packed our bags for our Nebraska trip we were going to take. When Matt got home, we quickly loaded the car and headed for Lodgepole to see John, Laurie, Mav and Guire. We got there around 8:30 there time and the boys were still up anxiously waiting to play with Lily. It was so great to see them. They already had it planned that we were going to go eat with them at school.
On Thursday, Uncle Matt took the boys to school. They were a couple minutes late because they HAD to go coyote hunting. The hunters didn't get anything but they saw a couple. Matt, Lily, and I hung out at the ranch and visited with Laurie and then we were off to school to eat lunch. That was so neat to be able to eat with both of them and all of their friends. Their lunch experience is a lot different from my school because K-4 all ate at the same time and there was still room at the tables. ha ha! I wish we could have eaten with Mullen too.
When the boys got home we were able to enjoy the nice weather.
Polo was really good with Lily. I thought she would jump on her or lick her excessively, but she just followed her. It was cute.
Maguire is showing Lily how to dribble.
Now Maverick is showing her, with Polo not too far away.
Lily has never seen a baby calf and since Uncle John has SO MANY of them, we wanted to check them out. In their calving barn were calves that were only a few hours old. The mommas were not too thrilled to have us looking at their babies.
Lily has never seen a baby calf and since Uncle John has SO MANY of them, we wanted to check them out. In their calving barn were calves that were only a few hours old. The mommas were not too thrilled to have us looking at their babies.
So, we decided to drive around with the other cows to see if we could get closer to some other calves. Polo was following us and then cow after cow started chasing her. It was quite humorous! We were all laughing so hard in the car. Polo did not know what to do. :)
During Polo's chase, she got stickers in her feet. So, Mav and Guire to the rescue!
The boys had wrestling practice on Thursday night so we took them. It was fun to see them work so hard. Lily stayed with Uncle John and Aunt Laurie.
Here is Mav practicing his moves. Way to go!!!!
Maguire practicing his moves!
Wrestling made it a late night for the boys and they were tired when we got home. We had to leave Friday morning, so the boys were already planning their hunting trip in the morning. They woke up about 7:00 and waited for Uncle Matt to get ready then they had about 30 minutes to hunt before making it to school. Again, they didn't get anything, but had fun doing it. We talked with Laurie and John and were then off again for the other side of Nebraska: Omaha!
The lake by Grand Island was full of snow geese. I thought it was gross and amazing. The state patrol was worried people would stop and cause a wreck so five patrol cars stopped on the side (silly I think). It cause a lot of the birds to fly. It was neat.
We went to Omaha to see family and friends. On Friday night, we dropped Lily off to play with Uncle Scott, Aunt Eliza, and the kids. We went to the Cheesecake Factory to eat with Kaycee and Sarah (girls I taught with, but then moved to Omaha) and Asia, Shelley, and Erin. It was great to see those girls. I miss them both so much. We need to get together more often. Our eating experience at Cheesecake Factory was terrible. Over 3 hours later, we were done. Ughhh. We got a few drinks and said our goodbyes.
Matt and I picked up Lily the next morning. She had tons of fun at the Ferzely house! Sydney and her are so cute together.
Caden was jamming out for us. Delanie was at a sleepover and then came home later.
Lily was lucky enough to get a foot massage by Caden and Delanie. Can you say, spoiled? ha ha! We then went out to eat at Chipotle. Matt and I love that place and GI doesn't have one. I discovered that Lily loves tomatoes. :) Then we went shopping for nothing in particular, but managed to get Lily a few things.
We went to Gigi's and waited for her to get back. Virgie watched Lily that night, but Lily was not too fun. Virgie said that she fell asleep about 15 minutes after we left. Sorry Gigi. Matt and I went to have supper together then met some other friends at a bar. We saw Hayley, Colby, Micaela, and Sara and her husband. We hadn't seen them forever.
Hayley, Cala, and I
Aww, how sweet!
On Sunday morning, we were headed to Lincoln for a baby shower. Jodi Genthe (I used to live with her) is expecting in April. So, I got to see Hayley and Cala again, along with Shannon, Beth, and Jodi. I miss those girls so much. Cala got engaged to Eric on Valentine's Day, so we get to celebrate another wedding in November. Congratulations you two!!!
On Sunday morning, we were headed to Lincoln for a baby shower. Jodi Genthe (I used to live with her) is expecting in April. So, I got to see Hayley and Cala again, along with Shannon, Beth, and Jodi. I miss those girls so much. Cala got engaged to Eric on Valentine's Day, so we get to celebrate another wedding in November. Congratulations you two!!!
Off to Cabela's, then Lincoln, then finally home!!!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Weekend in Omaha with family
Yeah!!!! School is out for Spring Break. I had a work day on Friday and was invited to go with Mom and Dad to Omaha. Matt knew he had to work all weekend, so Lily and I decided to spend our weekend in Omaha instead of home by ourselves. :) Matt was not used to us leaving him. I think he missed us. Anyway, we met Eliza and Scott's family and Virgie at Kobe's Steak House. It is a Japanese restaurant where they cook in front of you. I had never been to one of those. It was very entertaining.
When we were done eating the kids had a little more room to run around with one another in the mall area. Lily and Sydney are so cute together. They really got to socialize with each other this weekend.

On Saturday night, mom and dad had a wedding. We ordered Pizza at Scott and Eliza's house and then when the kids were in bed, us sisters went to the movie. We saw "Taken." It was pretty good.
I wanted a video of the kids and this is the only one I was able to get. The pizza had just gotten there and it was like the kids had never eaten before. Lily was ready to take over Syd's high chair, but Syd had a different idea. ha ha.
We had a great weekend, but couldn't wait to see Matt. He has been working so much at Swift. We went on a bike ride Sunday afternoon. Lily loved her little tent on wheels.
When we were done eating the kids had a little more room to run around with one another in the mall area. Lily and Sydney are so cute together. They really got to socialize with each other this weekend.
Lily is chasing Aunt Liza!
Sydney, Caden, Delanie, and Lily playing.
On our way home, we stopped to get a cheese cake from the Cheese Cake Factory. They are a favorite of Aunt Gigi's. We all went to her apartment afterwards.
MMMMMMMMMM.......Who gets the next bite??
On our way home, we stopped to get a cheese cake from the Cheese Cake Factory. They are a favorite of Aunt Gigi's. We all went to her apartment afterwards.
Sydney and Lily ate a lot of strawberries. It was cute to see them try to bite at the same time. They would watch each other take a bite and then get excited when it was their turn.
"Aunt Gigi, you are my new best friend!!!"
Delanie and Caden spent the night with us at Aunt Virgie's. We then had a relaxing morning. Grandma wanted to paint the girls' fingernails. So, I also asked her to clip Lily's nails. Well, oooooops, Lily got a boo boo. Grandma accidentally clipped her skin, but Lily was tough. She loves Grandma so much that she let her paint her nails even after the owwwie.
Delanie and Caden spent the night with us at Aunt Virgie's. We then had a relaxing morning. Grandma wanted to paint the girls' fingernails. So, I also asked her to clip Lily's nails. Well, oooooops, Lily got a boo boo. Grandma accidentally clipped her skin, but Lily was tough. She loves Grandma so much that she let her paint her nails even after the owwwie.
It is so fun to get the cousins together. Here they are playing with a slinky. Look at the naked toddlers. Too cute!
After Lily's nap, I gave her a bath and then had Gigi do her hair. Doesn't it look cute? Sydney wanted to be in on the action, so she turned around and backed up........
Sat on Lily!!!!!! ha ha!
Sydney is so cute. She was proud of herself. She wanted her hair done too.
All of us then went shopping, leaving Papa behind to watch state basketball. It was a dreary day with rain all day. That didn't stop us from spending some money. :)
All of us then went shopping, leaving Papa behind to watch state basketball. It was a dreary day with rain all day. That didn't stop us from spending some money. :)
Lily and Caden trying to entertain themselves while Grandma shops for clothes.
Virgie is trying to teach Lily how to jump. It's quite humorous to see Lily try to jump.
While Grandma was in the dressing room, Lily laid on her tummy and looked up at Grandma and said "Hi" in her cute little voice. It was adorable.
While Grandma was in the dressing room, Lily laid on her tummy and looked up at Grandma and said "Hi" in her cute little voice. It was adorable.
The vanity set on Lily's wish list from Pottery Barn.
On Saturday night, mom and dad had a wedding. We ordered Pizza at Scott and Eliza's house and then when the kids were in bed, us sisters went to the movie. We saw "Taken." It was pretty good.
I wanted a video of the kids and this is the only one I was able to get. The pizza had just gotten there and it was like the kids had never eaten before. Lily was ready to take over Syd's high chair, but Syd had a different idea. ha ha.
We had a great weekend, but couldn't wait to see Matt. He has been working so much at Swift. We went on a bike ride Sunday afternoon. Lily loved her little tent on wheels.
What a Beautiful Day!!!
I was so excited when the weather got nice. On Wednesday, Lily and I got ready for a walk. We hadn't been able to go on one for a long time. Daddy had to work a couple more hours, so it was just us girls.

Lily, the beauty with pig tails.
This is what Lily thinks is a good smile when mommy says "smile for the camera!"
Lily was so excited to sit in the wagon! We had only took this out one time before this. Grandma and Grandpa Widdowson got it for her for Christmas.
Oasis saw us getting ready for our walk and really wanted to go along.
Lily and I felt sorry for Oasis, so we decided to take her with us. Can you imagine it?? My arm is out pulling Lily and the other arm is being pulled the other direction by Oasis. I am sure it was a sight to see. All three of us girls had a great time though. I can't wait until we have more beautiful days like this.
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