Lily was on top of the world on Friday. She was excited to spend the day with her cousins and spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's.

So many eggs to dye!

Sydney thought it was much easier to use her hands. ha ha!

The girls spent forever on the swing, yelling "Push us! Push us!!"
Caden chose to go to the Big Apple for his Birthday!

Lily's first pick to play at the arcade. She is too funny!

Wow, so many tickets!!!

The Birthday boy!!! Caden turned 6 on the 22nd. He picked to go to the Big Apple for his birthday fun!!! Good idea bud!

I think this is funny, all the adults were cashing in their tickets.
John and Matt ended up meeting us in Kearney as well. We ate at Old Chicago as the Whole Fam Damily!!! :0
On Saturday morning, Mav helped Matt fill in our sink hole and then we met everybody at the Horse Races. All of the Shafer's invited us to come because the 7th race was dedicated to my Mom's Uncle Spud Shafer. We had a great time. The morning was opened up for the kids with free Runzas, jump house, and face painting.

Grandpa with his beautiful Granddaughters.

Enjoying the races!
I won something on every race! Can you believe that?!? So, I went home with $10 more than I went with. Not bad for a whole day of racing!

The kids with their faces painted!
Off to the Easter bag search!!

I thought it was pretty cool to walk on the horse track!

I love this picture! They are such hams!

Ready, Set, Go!!!!

Gettin' the bags full of candy!

Too much excitement for Lily Bug!

Grandma and Mav
We had a great day and went to Mom and Dad's for supper. It is so nice to spend relaxing family time with each other!
Easter Morning 2011

Look at that concerned look on her face. Where is my basket? She couldn't find the BRIGHT PINK basket anywhere. ha ha

It was on the table, full of goodies!
Lily was sooooo excited to put on her Easter dress. Once she had it on, she needed to wear her new sunglasses from Mommy and Daddy.

Everyone brushes their teeth with sunglasses on, right?!? :)
We arrived at church all dressed up and ready for Easter service and Maguire's Baptism. We are so proud of him for accepting Jesus into his heart!

Maguire's big day!!!! :)

At the end of the service, Lily couldn't wait to go watch Grandma play the piano!

The Grandkids under Great Grandma Betty's painting of Jesus!

By the Easter Lillies.
After church we went to the cemetery to visit Mully. Its looking pretty out there this Spring. We miss you Mullen!
We had a wonderful lunch and a great Easter egg hunt in the afternoon!

They needed to fill a few more eggs with candy! :) My favorite, Reese's peanut butter eggs.

Lily crashed after lunch. Grandpa couldn't wait to pick her up from the couch to hold her! What a Grandpa :)

Pretty girl waiting to hunt for eggs.

Like Father, like Son. :)

Maverick was told he had to hunt for eggs on the gravel and beyond. Poor guy had to look a little harder!! :)

So many eggs! Money, candy, how exciting!
Grandpa had seen a Beaver Dam that he wanted us all to see. So, we piled into his pickup to check it out!

The Dam was gone! We did see a tree it knocked down. Maybe Dad was making it all up. ha ha :)