Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fourth of July festivities

July 3rd marked the beginning of the 4th of July festivities. A lot of the Widdowson family came to Mom and Dad's for the weekend. It was nice to see everyone. It had been a long time. That morning we went to the Gibbon parade and sat in front of the church.

Aunt Gigi with the two ornery 2 year olds! ha ha!

Grown ups chatting while the kids wait for candy!

Carmyn, Delanie, Lily, Guire, Caden, Levi, Mav

Guire sharing the candy he found! Lily got a lot of candy thanks to her cousins. By the end of the parade, she was really good about hustling to the candy!

Since her mommy loves 4th of July, we had to get her a wonderful outfit!



How much candy do you have?

4th of JULY!!!

The Widdowsons came back out to mom and dad's. A lot of the men went golfing, the kids went swimming, Ryan and Julie prepared cream cans, and the rest of us visited with a cold drink in hand!

Two tired girls after swimming and playing!

It had rained the night before, so Dad had water at the end of one of his fields. The kids brought their mud clothes and dove in!

Delanie, Riley, Edie, Tess

It was hilarious to watch. I think Edie had just tackled Tess in the mud.


We wanted Lily to try it, but she was not a big fan! So, we thought we would try the front yard.

This is as dirty as she got.

Maybe next year, she will get in Grandpa's muddy field!


Virgie, Mav, Lily, Matt and I drove to Shelton to watch the fireworks. They were very good! After the first firework, Lily hid her eyes into my shoulder. By the end of it, she was asleep!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our New Home!!!

We are loving our new home! We officially moved in on July 5th with the help of Dad, John, Mav, and Maguire. It is so much fun living in a new home. I am really enjoying all the space and starting off organized! Each room is pretty much finished except for pictures and decorating items. I am still brainstorming those. Matt took some days off last week (he didn't have to go to Oklahoma!) and we got some things done around the house. I don't have a very long 'honey DO' list anymore. :) We hung shelving, blinds (they are all in now!), organized garage, started deck, Oasis' kennel, ceiling fan, microwave, and more. All three of us enjoy our new home and are looking forward to making Doniphan our home!

Lily is showing off her new home! We are waiting for the address block, but doesn't the stone look good? How about the grass? ha ha! I am going to spray it this week to kill all the weeds. Our goal is to seed and landscape this fall along with putting up the fence.

View of living room from the kitchen. Our room is to the left and the front door is to the right along with Lily's and guest bedroom.

Kitchen and dining room.

Living room.

Front foyer with Lily's room to the left and the stairs to the right.

Master bedroom.

Master bathroom.

I didn't take a picture of our closet, but it is one of my favorite parts of the house. Matt and I have all of our clothes in it and its ORGANIZED! :)

Guest bathroom (Lily's bathroom).

Lily loves to show off her new pink room!!!

Lily's room

Lily's room with her new white dresser. Her night stand came in, but it was brown. So, we are waiting on the white one. Lily absolutely loves her room. Since living here, Lily has only had one accident and it was at night. We have officially stopped using pull-ups!!! Yay!

Guest bedroom.

Chris came on Friday and helped Matt start the deck. They got the footings done and some of the siding off. Our deck will be pretty nice sized. All the wood is in the garage. Matt and I got it the other night and I helped him unload it. Goodness!! I can't wait to chill out on our new deck! :) Thanks Chris for helping us.

They poured Oasis' kennel on Saturday morning.

Lily wouldn't do a hand print. She doesn't like to get too dirty. So, Matt and I did ours and then we convinced her to do her foot.

This is where Oasis was staying. She wasn't too happy there. She would get wrapped up in her wire, her kennel would flip over, and she was digging! Urgh.

The new kennel!! Do you see Oasis laying flat in there? I think that is a sign that she is happier out there in her new home! We will still need to get her dog house from Grandpa and Grandma's.

Matt just left for Oklahoma again, and this might be the last week. We hate to see him go. He has such a long drive all by himself. Since the summer is winding down, it will be nice to have him back home to do summery things! There are a few things I want to do before school starts.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa Brad!

Happy Birthday Grandpa Brad!!!!!
We hope you have a wonderful day. Don't work too hard laying pipe!

We love you,
Matt, Abby, and Lily Jo (and Swiper too!)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

5 years!!! and Birthday

July 2nd! Happy Anniversary to my wonderful Husband, Matt. We have been married 5 years!!!

July 3rd! Happy Birthday Laurie Lynn!!!!

July 4th!!!! Happy 4th of July!!! Woo hoo!
It is also Amy's birthday. She was a great friend this week, she helped me clean our new house. Thanks Amo!
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